The Bands Instrument Specs

than you didn't try a J50BC yet too!!
alone they have great dynamics and are very ylear, but there's really no punch in it. my stock cheap asia made jacksons had more punch tzhen these, but did you ever feel like alexi's sound lacks of power?

maybe he's got a EMG boost in it, maybe his JE again. but fact is, that it's (as far as I know) impossible to combine an active gainboost with active PUs. at least without modifying...
maybe that's the reason for the choice. the EMGs are passive (surely no way as ballsy and as high ouput as active EMGs like the 81), but pretty reasonable and dynamic for passives like I've heard and read so far... people swear about'em coz they expect a passive that sounds like an 81 or 85.
and that's not possible yet. if you want that sound get a battery inside and live with missing warmth and life.

in fact I think the hz is possibly compareable to the J50BC.
ESP guitars -suck-. The "consumer" ones even worse.

and i don't think Alexi needs ESP's permission to put whatever pickups he wants on his guitar. + it's a damn good thing they pay him money to use that ridiculous piece of shit on stage.
Ok, I have the EMG 81 and 85 in my guitar. I have a Marshall jcm 2000 dsl 100 (sounds awesome). and this guy I know has a guitar with EMGhz pickups in it. I wanted to try it out and see how they sounded cuz I'v never heard them before. So I plugged in and turned it up, started to play and realized how shitty those things are. I then remembered that he has had the guitar for a long time and he had a good amp but sounded like shit. It was because of the shitty pickups. If you are going for a very shitty sound, then yes get the EMGHz. Active or passive who cares, those things suck. And if you can afford new pickups and you are still using the Hz then you should be bitch slapped!!
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delt said:
ESP guitars -suck-. The "consumer" ones even worse.

and i don't think Alexi needs ESP's permission to put whatever pickups he wants on his guitar. + it's a damn good thing they pay him money to use that ridiculous piece of shit on stage.
delt said:
ESP guitars -suck-. The "consumer" ones even worse.

and i don't think Alexi needs ESP's permission to put whatever pickups he wants on his guitar. + it's a damn good thing they pay him money to use that ridiculous piece of shit on stage.
Generally artists get expensive custom insturments as an endorsement, and a lot of underground bands don't get money in a addition. I don't know about their deal, but I would guess they just got the insturments.
Also, when he got two custom axes from them, they would already have the pickups he wanted on it, most likely.
I don't think ESP's are bad, I like them, and they certainly play better than many others I've tried (although I've mainly tried basses as that's what I play). I like them much better than Jacksons, and the only ones I like better that I've tried are BC Rich.
I know some of the ESP customs have custom made electroincs and pickups too. Maybe low quality sound live could be from an incompetent sound tech (seen this too many times before). The only comparison you could make about the guitars would be studio recordings or if you had seen bodom live before, although most likely the sound tech and conditions would be different, and with studio recordings production tends to be more consistent.
I can't really judge the sound from what i have (video of one gig from a friend), so I'll wait and hopefully see them friday or saturday.
So what exactly is he using NOW? The live recording of Bodom I have sure doesn't sound like he has an EMG 81 in there... Hz I could believe because his sound was so terrible, but I've never heard of him using Jackson pickups before either.
Dudes, let me help you out a bit:

I don't know what he uses/used on the USA Tour, but this year in Europe he had the EMGhz in his guitar, definitely. But no JE-1000 electronics (gainboost), because EMG's and Jackson electronics are not compatible together, this is for sure, because that was mentioned on the old Jackson custom shop quote form (I don't know what he used/uses now to get the missing distortion from the JE-1000, there was something in his rack wich I can't define).

I asked Alexi in April (at this time he still had the EMG) and he said he wanne change the PU, I think to J-50-BC again, wich he had in his Jacksons.
The J-50-BC is an active PU (although you need no battery), so active PU's fits with active electronics.
I have the J-50-BC PU, the JE-1000 electronics and the GP-1000 Lee Jackson perfect Connection together with an ENGL Poweramp, and it sounds fucking fucking great. This is the sound of Alexi and Roope, it rocks rocks rocks!!!!! Definitely advisable for all Bodom Freaks!
but look thilo look at the picture

If he uses EMG"s in his ESP's, what is that leaf toggle switch (he has no use for a PU selector toggle, as he only has one PU). He could have put it in there and left it disconnected so that he could switch to the Jacksons's later. is this a possiblity, thilo. let me know
bobvex said:
If he uses EMG"s in his ESP's, what is that leaf toggle switch (he has no use for a PU selector toggle, as he only has one PU). He could have put it in there and left it disconnected so that he could switch to the Jacksons's later. is this a possiblity, thilo. let me know

Do you mean "switch to the "Jackson" PU later"?

Well, it might be possible,that he changed the PU to the j-50-BC wich is compatible with the JE-1000 electronics. But I don't think he has put it in and left it disconnected.


Has anybody here a picture of Alexi's guitar from the US Tour? Or a pic of his rack? Would be interesting for us...
WTF? the J50BC is active?
who da hell told you that? would be the first active PU without a battery....
and the battery is actually what defines the matter of active or passive isn't it?
i don't want to say it's pure nonesense, but well... it is.
believe me. the J50BC is as passive as can be.

don't mix up active PUs with active electronics. you can run the J50BC active, but for that you need an active geinboost or another JE or compareable circuit (and of course at least one friggin battery!!).

and active PUs plus a JE1000 does defenitely NOT work.
and this is not a matter of brand. the JE1000 should work with an EMGhz if EMG didn't do anything plain wrong...
I know this old quote form, and this was done long before EMG launching a passive line.
so in these days EMGs were all active, so don't combine these with active circuits.
believe me or not, but try to do so, and you will blow at least one of those up.

@bobvex; it's maybe some fly-poo on your cam or a killswitch or something.

@yetti; first series intellifex.
TIP-Doppelkeks said:
WTF? the J50BC is active?
who da hell told you that? would be the first active PU without a battery....
and the battery is actually what defines the matter of active or passive isn't it?
i don't want to say it's pure nonesense, but well... it is.
believe me. the J50BC is as passive as can be.

don't mix up active PUs with active electronics. you can run the J50BC active, but for that you need an active geinboost or another JE or compareable circuit (and of course at least one friggin battery!!).

and active PUs plus a JE1000 does defenitely NOT work.
and this is not a matter of brand. the JE1000 should work with an EMGhz if EMG didn't do anything plain wrong...
I know this old quote form, and this was done long before EMG launching a passive line.
so in these days EMGs were all active, so don't combine these with active circuits.
believe me or not, but try to do so, and you will blow at least one of those up.

@bobvex; it's maybe some fly-poo on your cam or a killswitch or something.

@yetti; first series intellifex.

Sorry, my guitar technic man told me the J-50-bc would be an active PU. I asked him again, and he said that he told me shit some weeks ago. I just said was he told me :(

Well, all we can do is asking Alexi what he did....EMG <-> J-50-BC....JE-1000 or not...
then I'd change the guitar tech.
active is just another name for "self-powered" or so. everything with an own power-source would be active there.
this is elementary, he should know about that.

an active PU without a battery is not an active PU (unless it's got a battery).
TIP-Doppelkeks said:
then I'd change the guitar tech.
active is just another name for "self-powered" or so.

I always thought that too. But the guitar tech put the J-50-BC AND the JE-1000 in my guitar, and maybe he thought the PU would not work without the JE, I don't know. Apart from that he is a very good tech.As I said, I asked him again and than he said it is a passive PU.
i have a Seymour Duncan Invader and DImebucker for my rhoads,. where coulds i get this Je-1000 Gain booster, and more importantly, would it work with said pickups?
the JE will work with any kind of passive PU. duncans and jacksons are pretty close together in specs.
even the color code is the same...

try to get one from a US dealer, they probably can order one.
hard to get these days coz of the FMIC takeover, they still got some probs with delivery...