The bass on Damnation


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I think it's awesome, definately my favourite bass work on any of their albums so far. It's really nice how they decided to boost the bass guitar up in the mix so you can actually hear some of those awesome riffs Mendez is pulling out. Gettin better with each album \m/

Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing this morning. The bass is an absolute delight on this album and serves to highlight the amazing guitar work that Mikael and Peter are pulling out.

Three cheers to Martin.
Im not going to download it, im not going to download it, im not going to download it, im not going to download it, im not going to download it...

uughhhh, please come soon Damnation!.. I want to hear these bass lines the most!
I also think Martin is an amazing bass player.
But I also think the production on Damnation is not very good, so bass causes distortion in some parts...
Yeah, considering Mikael did the bass on MAYH, I don't really count that against Mendez as he wasn't in the band then...

Also with the production, I never noticed any distortion.. in fact I even boosted the lows on my EQ and still got no buzz on the bass sound, which I found amazing because with BWP, as soon as I make the lows even a notch higher, I just get distortion.
I find I get distortion on BWP bass lines even on normal settings...maybe its my imagination?

The worst, for me, seems to be Still Life, which has a kinda shitty low end bass fuzz.

I feel like Opeth albums, although excellent, have never had that 'perfect' production. Except maybe Damnation...which I feel has the best.
The bass reminds me of Final Fantasy 8, especially in Galbadia Garden(if you know what I'm talking about). Listen to closure and then play FF8 and tell me about the similarity. I never knew the guys were such avid rpg fans lol.
/Z/ said:
(waiting for album.... must wait) Seeing as how I really like martin's bass playing I think i'll be in for a treat.

Yeah I am in the same boat as you... I really like his playing, but I refuse to download the leaked CD.

I think its like losing your virginity, it only happens once, and you want to be special as well!, thats what i hope for when I first hear Damnation.
DeadBaytar said:
The bass sound reminds me the "OK Computer" album of Radiohead... i dunno why.
Could be the Fender sound. As far as I know, Colin Greenwood used Fender P-Basses on that recording. Even though Mendez normally plays a Fender Marcus Miller Jazz, he might have played a p-bass on Damnation (or at least a few songs) because they have a deeper, "thumpier" sound. I can't make any judgement on it because I haven't heard the album yet.
Yeah definately, with the FF8 feeling! I really get that video game vibe from some of the riffs, definately. But I was thinking more along the lines of FF7... which I actually happen to find as my 2nd best game of all time, hehe.
But I also think the production on Damnation is not very good, so bass causes distortion in some parts...

I've noticed this, particularly on "Windowpane". Maybe it's just my shoddy speakers, or maybe my mp3s are poor quality, or maybe it's supposed to be like that. Who knows :)