The Beard Myth!


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
so last 3 days I've been shaving everyday, trying to define the myth and waiting for the results to see if its correct or after all its just a myth!

The myth is, if you shaved everyday your beard will be full, thick, and most importantly it will grow fast

i met a dude who had beard till his chest (beg of it) and he said it took him 9 months only, how did he do that? by shaving everyday

and i've read after 3 years the beard hair reaches its max.
so probably that's why people trim it (eg. Johan)

apperenlty theres ways to shave as well, i've heard you have to shave the opposite side of its growth direction!

so anyone did it, and worked??

(im thinking to shave everyday till end of august)
I think it depends on how your hair grows also. Some guys I know can shave their beard and practically have a new one by the end of the day. Others shave theirs and will probably never see another beard ever again.

Shaving opposite to the hair growth... wouldn't that give you ingrown hairs?
I think it depends on how your hair grows also. Some guys I know can shave their beard and practically have a new one by the end of the day. Others shave theirs and will probably never see another beard ever again.

Shaving opposite to the hair growth... wouldn't that give you ingrown hairs?

True, ex boyfriend had to shave twice a day when he worked 12 hour shifts because he was in front of the public and some managers found shaving once a day was not tidy enough.

Do you intend to use blades or a machine? If using a machine you can go against the grain. If using a blade... may irritate your skin.
True, ex boyfriend had to shave twice a day when he worked 12 hour shifts because he was in front of the public and some managers found shaving once a day was not tidy enough.

Do you intend to use blades or a machine? If using a machine you can go against the grain. If using a blade... may irritate your skin.

blades! and yes it irritates a lot :(

If shaving made hair grow back thicker you would have women with lower halves like a wooly mammoth :lol:

I saw a program about that myth actually.
it's BUSTED! (sorry, had to say it).

it's all in your genes, wether your beard will grow fast, be thick, make you a douchebag, and get you similiar chicks to what Tom Selleck's mustache does.
It's a myth

9 months to the chest?
Lies I guess.

well not really chest

i meant more like this (beg of the chest)

Shave with the hair to cut down the length, and against it to get rid of the stubble. Personally, I recommend using the old school shaving soap over pretty much any of the shaving creams out there.

But it won't make your beard grow in faster/better. If that was true, I'd still have plenty of hair on top. :(
well not really chest

i meant more like this (beg of the chest)


my goatee was that length, probably a bit longer. i took it off before going to germany to just a standard goatee.

i recently took the whole thing off becuase i can't have massive amounts of facial hair whilst i'm working as a lawyer.
Lengthy facial hair generally sucks, but regardless to Amon666: it's a myth, in case you can't tell. If you're having trouble growing a beard, wait till your balls drop :p

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