The Beauty Thread


I don't really care if a girl is Jewish or not. I may have been raised religious, but half of my old girlfriends were shiksas (one of the funniest words for New Yorkers).

She's only Jewish from a religious viewpoint, but she's only half from a viewpoint of race.
Although I don't really think of Judaism as a race, it's just a religion.
dude...calling them shiksas is not very nice.especially with most of the girls in this forum being non them goyas instead...nothing degragetory about that.

and yeah i don't really care either but it was just very surprising for me since scarlet doesn't look jewish at all.
if you think about there is no one jewish race...the jews of each country of origin look similar to their country's non jewish population in some attributes and in some attributes they look different.

it's a shame that a lot of traditional jewish parents see the importance of one's partner being jewish superior to the charecter of the partner.
like all gentiles are the devil, that kind of makes them as racist as the next antisemite. it's all about being a good person and everything derived from it
I was only joking about the "shikse" part. You made that joke too before. Nothing wrong with girls not being Jewish. I don't really care. It's nothing but a religion.
But by the way, "goya" is an offensive term as well.

I always found it very hypocritical the way religious fanatics complain that non-Jews are racist and did nothing to help during WWII when they (these fanatics) are about as racist as Nazis (Nazis thought of Jews as vermin and worthless, a lot of those extreme orthodox Jews think the same way about non-Jewish people) and they never do anything when there's mass genocide in a non-Jewish country.
When in reality, the Jewish religion had failed its supposed divine purpose. I'm not saying this to sound racist or anything, since I myself am Jewish, but Jews were supposed to spread the idea of monotheism, yet it was Christianity and Islam that really spread it throughout the world.
goya just sounds offenssive...though there's nothing degragetory about it
goy means "nation" in bibicle got a little deviated to calling someone from a different nation(than the people of israel)'s equal to calling someone gentile.
yeah i know i made that joke

as for the rest I agree completely...the ultra orthodox fast on tzom gdalya but wouldn't stand during the siren for a minute in memory of the 6 million jewish victims of the holocaust.
fuck probably heard about the circus(so funny that it's sad) coference in Iran about denying the holocaust recently...Neturey Karta(those ultra orthodox assholes who don't recognize the state of israel yet live in jerusalem) showed up and even shook hands with the Baboon-jad.

screw religions man...Judaism was supposed to spread monotheism to other people through expalaining and persuasion but was presecuted by other nations through the times...christianity(against the teachings of jesus by the way) and Islam spread it through the might of the sword.

Religion has from the dawn of time been wrong time and again because people listened to the religious authority which was more corrupted than the polititians today...and got away with anything because they suposadly acted according to the word of god when in fact they acted by their own interests and blind faith in twisted interpretations of the holy scriptures.

Christianity was wrong to execute people who said the world is round and that the earth is not in the center of the universe.
any religion is wrong to prosecute gays and lesbians as acting against the will of god completely ignoring the fact that homosexuality is something that appears as a natural thing and was here since the beginning of time not only in humans and the reason for it hasn't been explained by science yet.
The whole suicide bombing by extremist muslims who twisted the Quran to justify their bloodlust.
in Judaism there's a command to multiply...have as many kids as possible, so poor religious people have 13 kids who they cannot support financially and can't get them decent education and there's the whole overcrowded planet and baby boom problem on the long run.

so...I can't help but think that religion cannot be trusted as the word of god since it's simply gets things wrong time after time.

shit I'm ranting again
Just because Goy and Goya means nation, does not mean those terms are not offensive either. They are.

I know all about those anti-Zionist religious fanatics. They were protesting WITH the extremist Muslims at the Israel Day Parade. I saw a bunch of the people flipping some of them off. Some of them also got their asses kicked. They had police protection, but they let the people get a few punches in before interfering.

While I am no fan of religion, you cannot really talk about CHristianity and Islam spreading the religion by the sword because they haven't done that for a looong time (all the extremists now are very far from religious).

That whole Pru Urvu thing doesn't mean have as many kids as possible. it just means that you are supposed to either make up for you and your wife, and some say to have one more so there is a surplus.
I find that there are enough people in the planet, so I don't even feel that this commandment applies to these generations.
then calling someone a jew is just as offenssive

not spreading the religion by sword for a long what? whatever happens today is a direct result of that ...and it's not like there is anywhere for monotheism to spread appart from pagans in india and the far east in general but wait...isn't the bloody fights between india and pakistan all about that? and what about Osama?

about the pru urvu...I'm aware of these interpretations and they are progressive and I completely agree with your point of view and that's the way it should be...but it's not.I took a course in "mitzvas between a man and a woman" that dealed with this issue among others and I had discussions with several rabbis from the orthodox, zionist religious and I got the "fuck until you can't" answer from all of them. what you described is the mentality of the reform synagogue which is not recognized by Israel(i.e reformic giyur doesn't make you jewish unless you go through the orthodox one) and this pretty much sucks as according to the hebrew bible the jewish nation should accept anyone who wishes the jewish faith and the orthodox bastards force their way of life on those people.