The Beliefs Of Amon Amarth


New Metal Member
Sep 21, 2005
Amon Amarth claim to be deeply rooted in Pagan Viking belief.For albums on they've done these anti-christian messages,but with this new one it says "Any subliminal messages are in you head?" or something.

Why did they do that for? The subliminal messages of paganism is one of the reasons why I like them.They sang about what I personally believed, me being a pagan.

They should be standing up for their beliefs, if they convert someone so what? If they just do it to be cool, they'll grow out of it, and the ones that carry this faith with them will always have that kind of music to cherish, it's about trust in the Gods and standing up for what you believe in.Fighting for your faith.You're on a battlefield and you've got the sword of your faith,now it doesn't matter what it is, it's just that you're constantly going to fight for it.Especially if you're a more opressed faith or unknown faith, people fear what they don't understand.

I'm a heavy metal fan, and I'm a devout pagan, open-minded and not-bashful as AA as in some of their lyrics,and I happen to like artists who believe what I believe in.Amon Amarth,Korpiklaani,Finntroll,Cruachan,exc.

I got really angry that they would try to censor their faiths like they did.It's things like that that make freedoms breathless air.Why do we even have freedom of religion and speech if you're going to censor them?
Why are people so obsessed with the religion and beliefs of bands? I really couldn`t care less what Amon Amarth believe in, that`s their business, All I care is that they make good music
Word, Wretched. I, for myself, don't trust in god of a christian church but in a being of higher nature. As I blieve in this it is an entity that exists and observes the humans, helps them in some case but can also be destructive and so. I simply don't like the messages of the churches either of protestant or catholic profession.
I don't care if AA are pagan, protestant or catholic. It should be everybody's affair hisself in what or which he trusts.
Lordmaltreas said:
Amon Amarth claim to be deeply rooted in Pagan Viking belief.For albums on they've done these anti-christian messages,but with this new one it says "Any subliminal messages are in you head?" or something.

Why did they do that for? The subliminal messages of paganism is one of the reasons why I like them.They sang about what I personally believed, me being a pagan.

They should be standing up for their beliefs, if they convert someone so what? If they just do it to be cool, they'll grow out of it, and the ones that carry this faith with them will always have that kind of music to cherish, it's about trust in the Gods and standing up for what you believe in.Fighting for your faith.You're on a battlefield and you've got the sword of your faith,now it doesn't matter what it is, it's just that you're constantly going to fight for it.Especially if you're a more opressed faith or unknown faith, people fear what they don't understand.

I'm a heavy metal fan, and I'm a devout pagan, open-minded and not-bashful as AA as in some of their lyrics,and I happen to like artists who believe what I believe in.Amon Amarth,Korpiklaani,Finntroll,Cruachan,exc.

I got really angry that they would try to censor their faiths like they did.It's things like that that make freedoms breathless air.Why do we even have freedom of religion and speech if you're going to censor them?

a subliminal message would be one that is hidden and intended to influence without being acknowledged. The pagan and anti christian theme of Amon Amarth is not subliminal at all, its rather obvious, aqnd intended to be so. It's safe to assume the subliminal contents thing was a joke hearkening to the judas priest and ozzy controversies of the 80's. Besides, Johan is an atheist.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Atheist? as in not believing in anything? wtf? so what's up with the mjölner?
as a symbol of pride in the history of his people maybe, as a spit in the face of organized religion, because he's fascinated by the norse myths, anything's possible. Does it really matter?
SchultØr said:
is there a difference between being pagan and believing into norse gods? It's just general question...

Pagan is a broad term used to describe some of the earth based religions like Wicca and other various reconstructionist religions such as Hellenic...Roman recons...Kemetic...Egyptian recons, Celtic recons, Druids and so on. The pre-christian beliefs of europe...while falling under the broad umbrella term pagan... were described as heathens and to this day most heathens wish to be called as such as opposed to being lumped into the "pagan' fold. I know that most heathens like myself are called Asatruar...I personally prefer heathen and when anyone asks I say so... but the main difference between us and run of the mill pagans is we follow only one pantheon...the opposed to some other pagan groups who mix and match different pantheons to suit their eclectic tastes.

The other big difference is the vast amount of literary work heathens have as a means to connect with our past, the Sagas, the Eddas and so on whereas some of the other pagan religions kinda make it up as they go along where we have written documentation of how things were done and how our ancestors lived as a groundwork, we just have to fill in some of the blanks.
Heathens were those who originally sat around a hearth correct? I'm not one for structure,so I like kind of mking things up as I go along the way.But I could have sworn that the word pagan, which originally meant "Country dweller" is now anyone who is not affiliated with the orthodox.I tought that pagans and heathens were one and the same, as we do use norse pantheons as well.I just respect them all.There's one energy but different ways of seeing it really.But thats my personal innuendo.Johan's an atheist? Must just be completely obsessed with the norse mythology then, he sure knows alot about it.Still, hard to believe.People just don't believe in anything anymore these days.
Have you actually asked him by the way? Just curious.
Lordmaltreas said:
Heathens were those who originally sat around a hearth correct? I'm not one for structure,so I like kind of mking things up as I go along the way.But I could have sworn that the word pagan, which originally meant "Country dweller" is now anyone who is not affiliated with the orthodox.I tought that pagans and heathens were one and the same, as we do use norse pantheons as well.I just respect them all.There's one energy but different ways of seeing it really.But thats my personal innuendo.Johan's an atheist? Must just be completely obsessed with the norse mythology then, he sure knows alot about it.Still, hard to believe.People just don't believe in anything anymore these days.
Have you actually asked him by the way? Just curious.

Pagans and heathens are related but not the same. I suggest you never tell a heathen that the gods and goddesses are a manifestation of "one energy" as you are most likely to have your ass handed to you, thats also another belief. I have heard so many pagans say "thor is the same as apollo and the same as....." and so on and so on which is horseshit as we believe our gods to be completely autonomous from one another...they share some similarities...but they are still unique, thor is thor and thats it.