The Beliefs Of Amon Amarth

Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
ok I just want to say this really quick kinda. I feel sorta sad that you feel that Im a false for not being who I was on here. I think that was the notion from all as well. If anyone from Orlando saw me at the show, they would have said "what the fuck?" because i dont usually dress or act like that. I came to Tampa and kinda wanted to start over. I just wanted some people to think for once I wasnt an obnoxious, loudmouth, drug addict etc etc etc. Would you guys seriously have liked it better if I acted like I do on here? Is life really that serious? I guess Im sorta unmetal now and I dont really fit in anymore. With that, i'd like to say peace out to this place and it was a good year and something months. no hard feelings. see yous all on the flip side.

What? You are leaving? But then who is going to demolish my self-esteem?
Too bad you're leaving Feraliminal, you are one of the people which makes this forum as addictive as it is, with your good humor and absoulte unforseeable comments. Besides, we need your different views on matters adn your punk approach and knowledge, otherwise we'd just end up a forum for drunken european supremacists or something
Lordmaltreas said:
Amon Amarth claim to be deeply rooted in Pagan Viking belief.For albums on they've done these anti-christian messages,but with this new one it says "Any subliminal messages are in you head?" or something.

Why did they do that for? The subliminal messages of paganism is one of the reasons why I like them.They sang about what I personally believed, me being a pagan.

They should be standing up for their beliefs, if they convert someone so what? If they just do it to be cool, they'll grow out of it, and the ones that carry this faith with them will always have that kind of music to cherish, it's about trust in the Gods and standing up for what you believe in.Fighting for your faith.You're on a battlefield and you've got the sword of your faith,now it doesn't matter what it is, it's just that you're constantly going to fight for it.Especially if you're a more opressed faith or unknown faith, people fear what they don't understand.

I'm a heavy metal fan, and I'm a devout pagan, open-minded and not-bashful as AA as in some of their lyrics,and I happen to like artists who believe what I believe in.Amon Amarth,Korpiklaani,Finntroll,Cruachan,exc.

I got really angry that they would try to censor their faiths like they did.It's things like that that make freedoms breathless air.Why do we even have freedom of religion and speech if you're going to censor them?

Hey I think you misunderstand the meaning of "subliminal messages".
A subliminal message is a hidden message within a recording or film, such as the classical "do it" in one of Judas Priest's songs (can't remember the name right now).

As you may know, Judas Priest was even involved in a law suit, after some parents claimed that their kids comitted suicide after listening to that song, picking up a backward subliminal message that supposedly said "do it".

The whole sentence has nothing to do with our beliefs. It's a joke, aimed at these christian hippocrites who blame Heavy Metal for their kids' problems, and we have similar sentences on our other albums.
On "Once Sent From The Golden Hall" for instance, we have a sentence that reads "Any subliminal messages found on this recording are purely incidental".

So you can rest assured that we are not backing on our personal beliefs, and we are not censuring ourselves in any way.
Well at least I got my answer and I'd never thought from the band!Alright, so let's all drop this foolishness.Beliefs are for the believers anyway.
Thrymfal said:
as a symbol of pride in the history of his people maybe, as a spit in the face of organized religion, because he's fascinated by the norse myths, anything's possible. Does it really matter?

Or simply because it's known as a good luck charm aswell. I prefer the idea of it being a spit in the face to organised religion though.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I use it mainly for the reason that it has recently become a popular symbol for animal lovers such as my self - or bestialitypeople as the haters say. bastard, you just HAD to say that didn't you >_>

Now I'm almost ashamed to wear Mjolnir.

Damn symbol-stealing bastards.