The Beliefs Of Amon Amarth

Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
I hate white people.

Coming from you ... I find it quite amusing ... and yet very entertaining.

The reconquest of old pagan Europe has just begun ... deal with it.
Won't be long before Europe wakes up from its slumber and oust the plague from the south that is infesting our ancient lands as well as the filth from the church.

I should ask Celtik his opinion about french MRF emerging as a strong party ...
Belgar said:
I find it quite amusing ... and yet very entertaining.

by the way, this sentence is just improper on all fronts. Words like "yet", "but" and "however" are transitions verbs which bring together two totally opposite clauses. You cant be amused but entertained- thats synonimous.

example: "This heroin is very light YET gives a strong trip"

you see, i took the sentence into the opposite direction. i usually let it slide with foreigners, because broken english is cute <3, but that could get you in big trouble with an English professor, mang.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
by the way, this sentence is just improper on all fronts. Words like "yet", "but" and "however" are transitions verbs which bring together two totally opposite clauses. You cant be amused but entertained- thats synonimous.

example: "This heroin is very light YET gives a strong trip"

you see, i took the sentence into the opposite direction. i usually let it slide with foreigners, because broken english is cute <3, but that could get you in big trouble with an English professor, mang.

So let me rephrase my sentence in a correct SAT manner ... "I found it quite amusing; yet what I saw, brought me to a paroxysm of pity."
Ok, maybe it was broken english again ... but Belgar could just give a fuck less. All I can tell you, is that after the Obituary show ... if one wants to talk the talk on the forum .. they should be able to walk the walk! I am sure that you master the english language enough to know what I mean. Enough said.
Thrymfal, if you run for president, I'll become a US citizen just so I can vote for you, K? It is any subliminal message you're to ignore, not the overt ones (displayed clearly) in the lyrics. Yes, Johan is atheist. Many non-asatruar wear the hammer as a symbol for respect of our ancestors (some of whom - gasp - were even Christians). Nobody owns the ancient symbols. Respect for our ancestors may be a very typically Norse thing, but more than anything, it's a respect thing.

Heathens got their name from "people of the heath", by the Christians who thought all heathens were uncultured and lived in the sticks. Litterally. Some of us, especially those who live in Scandinavia, have chosen to keep this name for the faith. In many countries, they do a census, where they count how many people say they are of "x" religion. If there are more than a certain number of "x", that religion gets official status. it helps if we all say we are asatru, for example, rather than some of us calling ourselves asatru, some heathen, some northern traditionalist etc. That's the only time it is an issue.
One is pagan if one is heathen, but not all pagans are heathens, like Sleipnir said. I personally do not like being lumped in with "other pagans":
A. because, again, this is something that Christians have come up with to create order in their world. It's Moslems, Jews, Christians and "all the other wierd people whose religions are a joke" (= pagans).
B. I have about as much in common with wiccans, the practitioners of slavic nature religions and greeks, as Christians (to use an example many of you will be familiar with, not to pick on one specific group in any way) have with moslems and jews. They are judeo-christians, but they are not at all the same and really do not get along very well amongst themselves. I am asatru, which technically falls under the pagan umbrella, but I am asatru/heathen/northern traditionalist or whatever you want to call us first.

Sleipnir, how's "the Bun"?
um much for constructive criticism. let me just say that i dont get your reaction at all, but thanks for actualy telling me how you really feel instead of saying it behind my back, i guess. You dont have to believe anything. I guess I dont get anyone here. I guess I dont belong here. Next time? theres none of that. Now you can have a Bonfire and say "yeah her?, she was such a so and so".
To everyone else- Sorry for derailing this thread, and all the other ones. La~
Oi, Chelsea girl, you and I should have a forumfight instead! Then it'd be a bitch catfight, the fur would fly and it'd all be very Norse and all, and then the boyz would all be very entertained, as would you and I, and neither of us would sulk and be poor loosers. We'd just be tossed out of the forum for all the nasty bitchslapping and mudslinging, combat boots vs Doc Martens bootstomping. ;-)
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
um much for constructive criticism.

The thing with you is that I always see constructive criticism with the extra ounce of sarcasm/smartass approach ... this time, Belgar the douchebag took it the wrong way.
I am also not on this forum to kiss anobody's ass, so yes, I tell it as it is.
I think I have met enough people from this forum both from all across the US (including you) and Europe to know that they know me as anything but an asshole . Sorry if sometimes I might seem like one. I just don't take shit from anybody ... especially not on a forum.

With all that said ... cheer on ;)
All this religious shit is really fucking confusing...Can't they just come up with one that makes everyone happy? How many sub-religions are really needed? That is why atheist is the way to be...You can pick and choose as you go along...You can wear a cross around your neck because you think it looks cool, and you can wear a pentagram shirt at the same time, for the same reason...and it has no meaning what so ever...Anyways, thats what I take from atheism...You dont worry about stuff like that...? And I don't wear a cross...Now, i'm about 95% sure someone is going to call me a retard, or tell me to shutup...So in my defence, i'm from Canada, i'm 16, and i'm white as fuck...That would probably hold up in court against murder charges...In Canada at least...
Belgar said:
Coming from you ... I find it quite amusing ... and yet very entertaining.

The reconquest of old pagan Europe has just begun ... deal with it.
Won't be long before Europe wakes up from its slumber and oust the plague from the south that is infesting our ancient lands as well as the filth from the church.

I should ask Celtik his opinion about french MRF emerging as a strong party ...

mmh, i have no idea what the MRF is.. but then again if its a recent party, i must admit i havent been up to date with the news lately cause its the holidays so its not like i come back home after classes and watch TV cooking diner. :)
can you explain to me what the MRF is? i searched a little on internet and havent found anything.
if its a nationalist thing its good.
if its a muslim shit party its bad.

Feraliminal Lycanthropiser said:
Celtik hates minorities. His new-formed party is called Napoleon el Salvador Conquistador Iskra. free punch and pie.

hell yeah. i'm a bonapartist <3 Hail to the emperor. he'd kick your ass!
Belgar said:
The thing with you is that I always see constructive criticism with the extra ounce of sarcasm/smartass approach ... this time, Belgar the douchebag took it the wrong way.
I am also not on this forum to kiss anobody's ass, so yes, I tell it as it is.
I think I have met enough people from this forum both from all across the US (including you) and Europe to know that they know me as anything but an asshole . Sorry if sometimes I might seem like one. I just don't take shit from anybody ... especially not on a forum.

With all that said ... cheer on ;)

ok I just want to say this really quick kinda. I feel sorta sad that you feel that Im a false for not being who I was on here. I think that was the notion from all as well. If anyone from Orlando saw me at the show, they would have said "what the fuck?" because i dont usually dress or act like that. I came to Tampa and kinda wanted to start over. I just wanted some people to think for once I wasnt an obnoxious, loudmouth, drug addict etc etc etc. Would you guys seriously have liked it better if I acted like I do on here? Is life really that serious? I guess Im sorta unmetal now and I dont really fit in anymore. With that, i'd like to say peace out to this place and it was a good year and something months. no hard feelings. see yous all on the flip side.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
...if he wasn't so goddamn short. And dead.

source :
"Misconceptions about Napoleon's height.
Contrary to popular belief (perpetuated by the above-mentioned caricatures), Napoleon was not especially short. In fact, Napoleon was five feet six inches tall (168 cm), which was the average height for the era. The myth of his short stature was fed by his nickname, le petit caporal, as non-francophones mistakenly take petit as meaning "small"; in fact, it is an affectionate term reflecting on his camaraderie with ordinary soldiers. Caricatures made fun of his nickname and added to the problem."

(ok 1m68 is short for now but he'd still take down Feraliminal no prob :p)