The Ben Grosse love thread (Chris you need to answer;)...)

oh also, i'd like to add ben grosse consistently delivers the hardest hitting and most pleasing heavy drums to listen to. they have so much weight and presence and you can listen to them all day. my personal fave. sheer power and very well tonally balanced.

cla sometimes makes your ears hurt after a while, so does randy staub.

andy wallace kick can sometimes be plastic-y.

ben grosse is like perfection for me. that super super dampened kit. the kick suction, the snappy but not overly bright snare. it's really great.

another good mixer who is very under-rated in hard rock is rich costley. the earshot album "two" has a great heavy sound. pretty grosse-esque.
I think Underoath is just the sound of a lot of tracking to tape. You can hear the mid-emphasis and subdued high-end. They really seemed to shoot for retaining those natural, analogue qualities to the recording. It's a great overall production... awesome automation, awesome balancing, great vibe.

yeah the studio in atl where they record had a bunch of bands come out of there with a similar sound. i'm into it, especially for that band.

with that being said though, i still think BG had a lot do with it. the low end is just intense, and so clean and controlled. i can't say for me there is a better record with a more dominant low end.
The secret to Ben's low-end sound, especially the interplay between the bass and kick and the bass and guitars, is like the holy grail for me.
Love Ben Grosse's stuff. Drum sounds especially. The Underoath mix is amazing like many have said, and the Cartel album he mixed has awesome drum sounds as well.
little bit of a latecomer on this but just picked up red "until we have faces" and goddamn... this needs it's own separate mention. it reminds me of katatonia tgcd but on massive amount of steroids.

i think a lot of his sound has to do with the 9k. most other guys in his league are mixing on 4ks which are dirtier and have "less resolution" from a sonic standpoint. so BG mixes always seem to have a little bit more clarity in each area. top, mid, bottom (especially the bottom). it's a wild guess by me but i don't know, it kind of makes sense doesn't it?
Just had to drop in and express my Ben Grosse love.

How he is not the biggest rock mixer in the industry is beyond me. His stuff just has this huge, pumping (in a good way) SIZE that I rarely hear from other mixes.
i think a lot of his sound has to do with the 9k. most other guys in his league are mixing on 4ks which are dirtier and have "less resolution" from a sonic standpoint. so BG mixes always seem to have a little bit more clarity in each area. top, mid, bottom (especially the bottom). it's a wild guess by me but i don't know, it kind of makes sense doesn't it?

I tend to disagree on this, sorry:notworthy
Since he mix on 9K, a lot of his sound has to do with himself (and ton of hardware he use), really....
Only area where you "hear" the board:
-clarity (9k glue a mix like pro tools:lol:)
-more extended bottom (same as PT or any other daw)
-soft top end and more solid center

As I can say his after being on a 9K, I start to hear how good Ben Grosse (and Jay Baumgardner) is. It's umbelievable:waah:
little bit of a latecomer on this but just picked up red "until we have faces" and goddamn... this needs it's own separate mention. it reminds me of katatonia tgcd but on massive amount of steroids.

i think a lot of his sound has to do with the 9k. most other guys in his league are mixing on 4ks which are dirtier and have "less resolution" from a sonic standpoint. so BG mixes always seem to have a little bit more clarity in each area. top, mid, bottom (especially the bottom). it's a wild guess by me but i don't know, it kind of makes sense doesn't it?

I agree that the Red cd sounds great but i really thought it was mixed ITB. has all the attributes of a ITB mix. BIG yes, punchy and fat but kind of flat sounding. And not that 3d really.

This is all subjective but the kick has always bugged me abit. sounds to plastic and fake and has WAY to much sub haha.