the best band of your country

Originally posted by grandbazaar
If we are talking best band of any style of music
well Here in Canada it would definately
be Rush ( for the past generation)
and The Tea Party for this and upcoming generation

I agree:spin:
Ummmmm........ My Dying Bride, Anathema, and Ebonylake (just for being so goddamn strange.

Originally posted by sexualist death
if you already talk about best and about canada so i have to say that kataklysm its the best from canada...
(at least i think like that...)

It's close between them and Cryptopsy. Raventhrone is pretty good too!
Originally posted by grandbazaar
If we are talking best band of any style of music
well Here in Canada it would definately
be Rush ( for the past generation)
and The Tea Party for this and upcoming generation

Rush just rock ~period~ no explanation necessary! The Tea Party have a good rep too, but I digress. The best band in Australia is Medusa! Tune in and check 'em out! I have the new CD!! Do you? :p