The Best Opeth Tribute Site Ever: OWO *Mikael and Axe related*


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ
I am pleased to announce to you, good forum dwellers, that there is an amazing Opeth tribute site out there. It is OWO(omgwtfopef). Now you're curious about the name I know...don't over analyze though. This is a tribute site made by big fans, for all the fans of Opeth. There are countless different pages and exciting features. A tribute to Mikes Mustache and a whole comic series based on Opeth, namely Opef...are just 2 of the fascinating things on this website. I must warn ye though...this is not taking a shot at Opeth at all, we love them, this for people that can take a joke and have a good being closed minded won't really help you. And I suggest using Internet Explorer while viewing the website...if you use Firefox then you have to scroll down a bit on the first page to see the menu. I think that about raps it up...please check the website out...leave some feedback on here or on the websites guestbook.

Thank you for your time. I am now pleased to link you to, OWO:

Enjoy. :)
theres nothing remotely funny there.. "your mom" wtf how old are you
theres nothing remotely funny there.. "your mom" wtf how old are you

I can ask you the same after reading several of your posts. Aren't you a darling internet warrior.

its like "ov" instead of "of" but you are only allowed to use it if you are 100% tr0o and 100% teh gr!//z

Like looooooo0000000OOOOOOOllLLLLLll!!!11111oneeeeee dudez11!!!!111
did you see me forming a whole site out of these and spamming 50 threads asking people to join?
I don't quite get what you're trying to do here. It's like you're saying: "I made this awesome website, you guys have to check out! I want you to tell me how funny and great I am!" and then the guys say something like: "Uhm, sorry, but your site sucks" and the you go like: "YOU SUCK! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK AT IT". Begging for attention with some shit you came up with and flaming people at the same time just makes you seem like someone with no self-esteem. Might be wrong here, I normally am all over non-sense shit, but your reactions to some of the comments stated here are quite pathetic.
There is a retarded amount of flaming and bitching going on in this forum lately. What, all of a sudden people have nothing better to do than moan when they don't like somebody else? Seriously, what's with that. Most the people here are cool with each other and "BAM", assholes arrive and flame every post they don't like. Occasional disagreements it one thing, but a fucking argument over what is obviously a sarcastic (and very odd) joke that shouldn't even begin to cause hostilities... Bah
Well...though I hate to say it...but leave it to the Nevermore-Bodom-Opeth forums....the Katatonia/Bloodbath forums have been so cool, everyone has a good time...theres like one rotten egg from time to time, but that's it...let's not ruin these forums.
The future of the internet isn't so pretty thanks to that kind of thing. People are getting way too hostile for no reason at all.

And honestly I think these song polls are getting out of hand lol.
"I vote cry my name!" "What!?!? Fuck You and your bad taste in BLOODBATH"