The best review of Star Wars Episode 1 I have ever seen

Well it's nothing revelatory. The films are CGI wankfests like most sci fi movies are today. That's why the original Matrix was so good (imo). All the fight scenes were oldschool and there was a relatively low amount of CGI compared to the crap today.

But this guy really hammers it down in a way in his review and actually makes some pretty interesting critical connections.
Well it's nothing revelatory. The films are CGI wankfests like most sci fi movies are today. That's why the original Matrix was so good (imo). All the fight scenes were oldschool and there was a relatively low amount of CGI compared to the crap today.

But this guy really hammers it down in a way in his review and actually makes some pretty interesting critical connections.

I agree....this is why SUNSHINE is the best SciFi film this decade.
Well it's nothing revelatory. The films are CGI wankfests like most sci fi movies are today. That's why the original Matrix was so good (imo). All the fight scenes were oldschool and there was a relatively low amount of CGI compared to the crap today.

Totally agree. I hate what George Lucas started. Now so many scifi/superhero movies, etc. rely WAY too much on CGI when in reality it doesn't look as realistic as older movies did. At least even with Jurassic Park the dinosaurs looked real. In those Star Wars films, none of the CGI characters look real.
The Phantom Menace would have gotten much better reviews (or at least a strong cult following) if it did not have the words "Star Wars" written in front of it. It was not a bad movie. It's just that people who grew up with the original trilogy view it through rose-colored glasses.
Well while you may have enjoyed the movie, and props to you, I think there are enough valid arguments that support its shittiness so that nostalgia is a non-issue.

I laughed out loud when he went out and tested the characters' personalities (or lack of thereof) on those people and nobody could really say anything about anyone from Episode 1. They're vapid non-humans in world full of CGI masturbation. In fact, the reviewer even points out multiple times the irony of spending so much time and effort trying to make each shot filled with busy CGI bullshit to give the audience a sense that the world the characters are living in is real, but the characters themselves are hollow and empty nothings.

In fact, more objectively speaking, I wager that if the movie didn't have Star Wars in the title, it probably would have tanked bigtime at the box office. The only reason why it did well in the first place was BECAUSE it had Star Wars in the title.
The Phantom Menace would have gotten much better reviews (or at least a strong cult following) if it did not have the words "Star Wars" written in front of it. It was not a bad movie. It's just that people who grew up with the original trilogy view it through rose-colored glasses.

I didn't grow up with star wars at all, only have a very general knowledge of it, and didn't watch the first 3 movies before seeing phantom menace, and I still was bored to tears watching it. It was just so political and boring.
I mean look at the 2009 Star Trek. A ton of people who were classic trekkies loved that movie. I hate Star Trek and loved that movie!
The Phantom Menace would have gotten much better reviews (or at least a strong cult following) if it did not have the words "Star Wars" written in front of it. It was not a bad movie. It's just that people who grew up with the original trilogy view it through rose-colored glasses.

PM's biggest sin is that there isn't much interesting going on. I understand the point of the film in that they wanted to establish Annikin as a kid and his discovery by the Jedi, but beyond that there isn't much that we give a damn about. Who cares much about the fate of Naboo or the Trade Federation?

In that aspect, Attack Of The Clones is a superior film. Course, there are other aspects that makes Clones not as good as it should have been. It also doesn't help that Annikin doesn't make for an appealing lead. You get the idea that he deserves what he gets and isn't a tragic figure.

That being said, Ewan McGregor was one of the high points for me with these films. I still like his protrayal of Obi-Wan.
I disagree 800%. AoTC was just as stupid if not more because the entire film set up the war between the clones and the droids but yet the audience isn't given a reason to care about either side. Both are dispensable (at least, that's how they're portrayed in the movie). In fact, more emphasis was placed on the incredibly shallow and borderline retarded romance between Anakin and Padme, and the entire clone war was kind of thrown in the background. Really, going back to the prequels, I couldn't care less about anything whatsoever beyond the visual effects. Everything is so hollow and vapid.
PM's biggest sin is that there isn't much interesting going on. I understand the point of the film in that they wanted to establish Annikin as a kid and his discovery by the Jedi, but beyond that there isn't much that we give a damn about. Who cares much about the fate of Naboo or the Trade Federation?

In that aspect, Attack Of The Clones is a superior film. Course, there are other aspects that makes Clones not as good as it should have been. It also doesn't help that Annikin doesn't make for an appealing lead. You get the idea that he deserves what he gets and isn't a tragic figure.

That being said, Ewan McGregor was one of the high points for me with these films. I still like his protrayal of Obi-Wan.

And the actors playing Anakin were one of the worst choices ever. The kid they had in PM is what really had me disliking that movie, plus the fact that the friggin' race plot took f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
PM sucked. Two words. Jar-Jar Binks.

And that's another reason. :lol: Yeah, it really isn't tough to find the bad in that movie. Clone Wars was decent, though the end fight scene truly was CGI wankery at its most absurd. The third one I did actually like. I always like the darker Star Wars stuff though.
And the actors playing Anakin were one of the worst choices ever. The kid they had in PM is what really had me disliking that movie, plus the fact that the friggin' race plot took f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Considering that Hayden Christiansen's film after Clones was considered very highly (Shattered Glass), I think the problem was Lucas. I just don't think he's very good with actors. His biggest mistake was to take on the whole project by himself. The original Star Wars trilogy had a lot of people involved who helped make it great.
PM's biggest sin is that there isn't much interesting going on. I understand the point of the film in that they wanted to establish Annikin as a kid and his discovery by the Jedi, but beyond that there isn't much that we give a damn about. Who cares much about the fate of Naboo or the Trade Federation?

Not Star Wars fans, that's for sure. This just proves my point. If you don't call it Star Wars, then you bring in a completely different audience, full of people that enjoy the sort of interstellar political intrigue which pervades this movie.

Oh yeah, and if you don't call it Star Wars, you can take out Jar-Jar Binks, the token annoying character that all Star Wars films are known for, and the film becomes even better.

I consider TPM to have more substance than any of the other five Star Wars movies (not that Star Wars was ever big on substance), and it is the only one where events truly seem to have a galaxy-wide scope. The others, while they generally have more in-depth character development, are more character-centric, and the events in those movies don't seem important to the galaxy as a whole; they just seem to affect a few specific characters. They are narrower in scope, IMO.

But then, this thread reminds me that this forum doesn't really care for dissenting opinions, even well-though-out ones.