The best thing happened yesterday....

There're only three - the fact that only 2 are full length means you'd probably only be paying $30 if you ordered them off the internet.
honesty, im not going to buy them all at once. i would if i was still working two jobs, but im not now so i can only buy one at a time. ill tell you how much the grand total is as soon as they come in
you gonna drop the blue bomb for your um...opener with bella here?

i hear it works wonders for old timers like yourself.

9 hours..jeezus.
Jesus! 21 is not old. damn you guys make me feel like an old lady. im 25 so i must be ancient.

oh yeah, one CD came in and its 12.99. not bad, i was so excited that i forgot to ask what one it was. haha. hopefully i can get it tomorrow.
My aunt started greying at 18, which is the age that my uncle started balding at. I've decided I better grow out some metal hair while I still have hair, and then I'll just pull a Jonas.
:lol: Jonas with long hair....:tickled:

Yeah ive been greying since about 16...oh well...ill just grow it long and look like Sephiroth from FF7 :eek: