Why? Of course I have only played 3 and 4, but 4 is basically better then 3 in every aspect.
Maps are way too small and it seemed really dumbed down or something in an attempt to get more fans. The new Colonization looks cool I guess.
Why? Of course I have only played 3 and 4, but 4 is basically better then 3 in every aspect.
All of the people who said Oblivion should revise it to say with mods. The vanilla is just about the crappiest game I've played. None of the characters have enough to depth to keep from hitting rock bottom before you get your foot wet, the level-scaling makes everything pointless, the world is drab and boring, the graphics rely too much on bloom, the AI is stupid, etc., etc.
The huge modding community fixes just about all that though.
A great and highly underrated quest. I wish I could play it now on my new PC.In no order:
A great and highly underrated quest. I wish I could play it now on my new PC.