The BEST Video Games Ever?

Not the best ever, but a very good one which I got recently is STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Soul Calibur II
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Battlefield: Bad Company
Splinter Cell
Gears of War 2
007: Goldeneye
Perfect Dark
Final Fantasy VII
Systematic Riffage's list is fairly accurate I would say.

I think that the number one game however is The Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time.

Nothing beats that game. Any other adventure game is based off of Zelda in one way or another. The adventure game genre started with this game. Especially since it was one of the first decent 3D ones.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Nothing beats that game. Any other adventure game is based off of Zelda in one way or another. The adventure game genre started with this game.


I don't even know where to start with the sheer incorrectness of this statement. I mean, hell, it's like saying that the metal genre started with Trivium. Utter blasphemy!

Perhaps here would be a good place:

Do not return, pass Go or collect $200 until you have read this at least 3 times.

Every Resident Evil game except Gaiden. I know a lot of people hate File 1 and File 2 but I didn't mind them.

Goldeneye should pretty much be on everyone's list. That game was amazing.

Ocarina of Time. I spent forever playing that game and it was so worth it.

Super Mario 3. My personal favourite of the series.

Streets of Rage 2 and 3. Epic.
Shenmue I & II <3
Final Fantasy 8.
DragonballZ Budokai 3.
Super Smash Bros (all of them).
Resident Evil 2.
Castlevania: SoTN
Alex the Kid in Wonderland.
Sonic 2.

Possibly a few more I can't remember off the top of my head :P
Gonna have to make a top dozen list. Can you tell where I switched over from console to PC? =P

Mario Bros 3
Final Fantasy VI
Sonic 2
Mario 64
Mariokart 64
Zelda 64
Age of Empires I
Diablo II
World of Warcraft
Civilization III
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead