The best way of recording clean guitar sounds


Feb 24, 2014
Hi guys!
I need to record a clean guitar with flanger and delay and have some possibilities to realize it:
1. Micing Egnater Renedage with POD HD in the Loop (for effects) through one of my cabs (mesa 4x12 or Krank 1x12).
2. Line POD HD300 into Audio Card
3. Direct in the Audio Card.

Can you tell me please which of these variants will be the best?
The most flexible way is to record the DI, if you only have one channel I'd personally record the amp and setup the FX in the DAW before tracking so you're playing through the effects. If you have a DI box you can take the DI as well, then you're safe.
Thank you guys very much.
So there is two ways: Direct into my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 or in the POD HD using only AMP and CAB emulation then into scarlett.
What will be better?
How difficult is the part? If the amp and pedals sounds best, do a take that way. Then do a clean amp take, if that does not kill they player's vibe. Recording should be about getting a good performance not the engineer's convenience.