Crazy even without Drugs
so welcome to part 2


2 friends of us asked if they could join us for this gig - well they had a saxongig or two before and they wanted to enjoy them again so this was the right time as the venue is nearly in the neigbourhood. so we were 5 in numbers and gave us the name "the saxon five" that day. at 02:30 pm we left home heading to a nearby bundeswehrshop where i was the day before already to get some new shirts and boots because the old ones were overused on 300 to 400 saxongigs - well, i stopped to count some years ago.... :) rich bought some bundeswehrstuff to have some more souvenirs in his germany-trip-collection.

so in the beginning: let there be tickets

we decided to join the centro in oberhausen in the early afternoon before the gig in order to have some food. it´s a nice shopping-mile with a small river aside which comes along with many small bars outside where you can sit and have a beer or two. it´s near the venue and easily reachable by a small walk.


we went to the könig bar and ordered some specialities. i ordered spare rips - in all you can eat style - i was really well fed up afterwards :)


when we approached the parking lots the trailer was better visible than the day before in cologne:

there were 4 trucks: 3 busses for the 3 bands and the truck tractor train for the stage stuff:

rich said: this is the big one so this must be the one to be entered. it was equipped with a numbercode to open the door so we tried some combinations: 20000 (feet) wasn´t functional - 60000 (men) wasn´t better and 747 was also without success. so we gave up - we went out of numbers....

so upstairs we went to stand in another queue again. we were there very early to make sure to own the first raw:

the friends which were with us had short hair so rich decided to wash their brains...

after taking ownage of the best places rose tattoo began the show again. it was 100% of rock´n fucking roll - the t-shirts one could buy at the merchandiser had this text shown on it. the singer asked us if we had love and that he would give us even more love. he gave love to the brothers and the sisters. and to the brothers of the sisters and vice-versa. he was a very nice guy and so we enjoyed them again.

here are some impressions:

love for the brothers:

and love for the sisters:

after they were finished a band played which name i try to forget...

well the next picture is self-explaining :)

matjes in heavy action to make sure that everything is fine:

then the lights went out and here they are: the best band in the world - say hello !

we gave our best to let them feel our power

paul and nibbs sang the backing vocals of red star falling - sounded very nice

during the show biff came to us and took a sheet of paper which saxonfan glued to the barrier in front of him. it was a printout with "from chicago to germany" written on it which we made for him. biff went back to the stage and showed it to the crowd so that everyone could see that there are fans even from the other side of the ocean. after that he ate it and spit it out. how weird was that. we will never forget that enjoyable moment - cheers !

they killed the ground

it was a state of grace to see them again

paul and nibbs in some guitar-flirting

paul gave us a small visit


they didn´t play need for speed. :cry:

the setlist was the same as the day before - but it wasn´t in the need of a change

he made his little singing-game as always. northernlady was already hoarse from the day before but she gave everything she fucking got

sing nibbs sing !

look in their eyes and you see that they enjoyed it to play there once again:

after the show we went to the merchandiser again in order to try to get some tourposter - but without success. they are needed for the venues they said... so no luck this time...

after admiring some harleys which were exhibitioned in the entrance hall we went outside to stand at the bus - and there we stood. it was cold - nearly freezing. we ran for our tickets through the ice and snow :) well ,you know what i mean.
and then he came - the owner of our hearts

he went downstairs as a king and nearly melted the steel of the stairs

he appeared out of a big magic glimmering cloud of fog - it was an amazing view

he welcomed us with a big battlecry which was replied by us. that was really great - be sure you made our day again biff :notworthy

biff told us that the website will be changed soon. the dedicated forum will come soon so we are no more slaves of the always overloaded ultimate metal server. but that will take a while because ingo is also responsible for the wacken-site so stay tuned. the time will come - ingo does his very best to get things going. thanks at this time to him for his work :notworthy

here we met the the owner of the skull - big brother. why do we call him big brother ? read it in the next parts :)

when you see him you wouldn´t think that he just left a 2 hour show on the drums - he looked like he was on holiday. unbelievable.

we got our stuff signed by the band. we didn´t get paul that evening but well, read the next parts :)

by the way: this is nibbs carter - for those who still don´t know him. what a shame. cheers to you !

introducing doug scarratt. he asked if we enjoyed the show and we told him the truth - down on our knees :notworthy

we wished that time would stand still in that moment:

biff wasn´t hungry any more - well, he had a sheet of paper some time before. richard´s trip from chicago to germany finally got paid:

after talking to the band they entered the bus - it was very cold outside and they had to take care not to get a bad cold - that would be the last thing we wanted. thanks for this wonderful hour of true enjoyment and for answering our questions. see you tomorrow we said and we went also to get the big twin rolling again.

thanks also to all who were with us in mind and to all nice guys we met

i hope that this second part will be readable for some hours - the old forum will be switched so let´s see what happens

cu to part 3 !

saxonator northernlady saxonfan popeye and albright :)
thx @ all who liked it :notworthy

Hope you have made a copy of the reviews, maybe you should re-post them on the new forum when it is up and running?

i made sure to have a backup of everything so i will keep the memories alive

i don´t know if the threads will be left here read-only or if this forum will be kept alive or totally deleted so i don´t mind

lemme give you a tip: save your most imortant threads here to your computers in order to keep them available if somethings goes wrong.... not much time left for that :hypno:

cu on the other side :kickass: