The Black Dahlia Muder

Unhallowed, while not being totally original, is a well done album that I like a whole lot. I'm sorry, but I can't figure out that mentality of every new band on earth having to be totally original. My view is, you don't have to reinvent the weheel every time. Sometimes its cool just to have a fun ride with the wheels you already have.

Awesome bunch of guys, as well. I got to hang out with them a little when they played with Arch Enemy and Hate Eternal, and it was hilarious to watch BDM's drummer on the side of the stage watching Derek Roddy during Hate Eternal's set. His jaw was literally on the floor.
TheGraveDigger said:
Who cares how they dress? Their music is bad ass and thats all that matters. It is better to not be like everyone else.

I agree... and I saw them live a couple of weeks ago... they put on a great show. Image shouldn't be an issue... it's not like they're hurting anyone.
I have the cd... but Id much rather listen to slaughter of the soul than an attempted recreation of it. Hell, I would rather listen to THe red in the Sky...
when i first listened to them it reminded me of slaughter of the soul on crack. They really arent doing anything original but eh who cares. They've got a lot of energy that most melodic death bands are missing