The black kids have too much money

Ben what's the matter with you? - I know that you have problems with me, even though I neither know you, nor have I done anything to harm you.
My word choice for the title was not intentional. It's maybe because my German firends into metal refer to black metal fans often as "Schwarze", which would be simply "blacks" in English.

And it is not racist to call somebody a black, nor would it be racist to accuse "black kids" of having too much money. It would be an affront at best - don't be so quick at labeling people racists.

I've been discriminated by people who thought I was Jewish, judging from my surname, by the fun at all. :lol:
My word choice for the title was not intentional. It's maybe because my German friends into metal refer to black metal fans often as "Schwarze", which would be simply "blacks" in English.
Actually, that's a euphemism disparaging to blacks. Think Chris Rock's Blacks vs. Ni**** speech. Your friends ARE racists.

And it is not racist to call somebody a black, nor would it be racist to accuse "black kids" of having too much money. It would be an affront at best - don't be so quick at labeling people racists. I've been discriminated by people who thought I was Jewish, judging from my surname, by the fun at all. :lol:
I don't really have problems with you, per se. Despite all you think you see. Heck, I call Burns out on his batshit more than I do to you.
If you think that people from a different culture are racists for using a word of their own language that has not the same negative connotation as its translation into English, you are dumb.
Moreover, it's not words, it is the intention behind them that should make you refer to a person's predispsitions - political or whatever. It's just overly politically correct to categorically condemn certain things without considering the context they appear in.
Originally Posted by Jim LotFP
Tell us why so few black people play heavy metal.

Totally avoided the question.

My answer to this question was absolutely and unequivocably the 100% truth. "because they don't feel like it" is the perfect and only real answer to this question.

Best answer ever. :loco:
I'd be interested in hearing somebody like Ice T's response to that question btw.

And since I just bought Dawnbringer's latest, Chris Black's kids now have too much money! >_>
Actually, that's a euphemism disparaging to blacks.

So wait a minute, I typed in schwarze in a German translator and got back "black". I typed in "black" and got back "schwarz."

I'm missing how this is at all a euphimism as opposed to a direct translation. And I see no relation to the Chris Rock thing (and if you're going to say my pals, then say my pals, instead of doing this half-ass "look how sensitive I am" censoring bullshit... nobody's going to mistake a direct reference as OMGLOOKHE'SINTHEKKK).

Please enlighten me.
The thing is that "Schwarzer" in German can be what a "black" is in English, but it is not that inevitably connected with this notion and therefore less taboo. After all, how would a pc person call things that are nothing but that very color?
Yes something along that way. We also have a name called "Schwarzenacker" - something like black soil, meaning a piece of ground you can cultivate. If black is a good indicator for the quality of the ground is beyond me, though...

So "Scharzenegger" has nothing to do with "Neger" for "negro", as you probably insinuate.