"The Bodom Bunch" T-Shirts by me :D

>the recording in his eyes suck...

hah what are you talking about?? Alexi's look is mean ass, so is Deafmetal's character's... "i'm just about to UNLEASH THE FUCKING FURY!!"
for the hair, maybe you could make it blond, but give it light brown streaks through the hair. That might darken it up a little.
The artwork itself is great though. Even if it doesn't look much like Alexi.:headbang:
Yeah true, initially it wasnt going to be any band member in particular, but I thought with the eyeshadow it was kinda lookin a bit like him, and with the straight hair and all, so ill fiddle with it later on :). Or I could just use a photo of Alexi that would look more realistic eh? ;)