The Chasm...

JayKeeley said:
Deathcult is boring. The reason why everyone buys it first is because it sells for no more than $2 on, and it's the Chasm album everyone buys to test the water simply because it's so friggin' cheap.
Fair enough. But this is like someone buying Technical Ecstasy, and then ignoring Black Sabbath because they didn't like it.
The other Chasm material has to differ significantly for me to get more. It just did nothing for me a la Pestilence, Aeternus, Mithras, Death, Nile, Bolt Thrower, etc. etc. :ill: It was too...'plain'. There was no twist to the recipe.
I'm loving The Chasm right now. And I want that Serpens Aeon CD, but has anyone heard Cenotaph, another Mexcan death metal band that once had Daniel Corchado in the ranks? PJ?
It's easily the best stuff I've heard from them, but I just haven't had it long enough (or listened to it enough) to pass fair judgement. It definitely has potential - your review was pretty spot on in the band comparisons.
How fucking amazing are these guys? Jesus Keerist.

Boy, am I late to the party. I always heard of these guys but never checked them out because I dont listen to DM that much anymore, but holy shit....this is really tremendous DM done RIGHT.
I still only have Deathcult For Eternity: The Triumph and Conjuration Of The Spectral Empire.
The Chasm are def. my favorite band at the moment. I have owned Conjuration Of The Spectral Empire for about a year now, but it wasn't untill I recently purchased Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph that I've given them a proper listen.
Deathcult > Conjuration > Frost the Lost Years = Reaching the Veil of Death. The others I haven't listened that much.
still love them and now love from the lost years these days

oh, and corchado's work with incantation is brutal stuff
i just love that it's straightforward heavy metal death metal, if you know what I mean. kinda like death.

it's not blastbeat barf, but not sugar coated pop death either.

the latter stuff is great driving music
speaking of the chasm


out in september