The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Noob here, started playing guitar a year ago on a cheap Ibanez rg421.

Where tf do I find a decent Jackson rr24 with only the bridge pickup? I've been watching ebay, reverb, local classifieds for months now and have yet to see one <$1500 cad.

Considering the edwards sawtooth since I'm getting impatient and there's a few in my price range on ebay. How do those compare to the rr24? They seem to vary wildly in price so not sure which models to look out for.
I personally prefer the body shape, the neck profile, and neck finish of the ESP / Edwards guitars. Can't say anything for build quality though as there seem to be several different versions of RR24 nowadays (Pro series, X series etc.). Back when I was buying my guitar (Summer of 2011) there was only one :D

One thing to check is the bridge. I think both guitars should have an Original Floyd Rose, but if either has a licenced Floyd Rose then I'd avoid it. I've never actually had a licensed Floyd myself so I can't say if the stories are true, but there are loads of people online talking about how a licensed Floyd will only hold up for a couple of years before it starts wearing down and stops staying in tune. In comparison my nine year old Original Floyd Rose, which has admittedly not seen a whole lot of use, still stays in tune for several weeks at a time.
I like the look of the Edwards guitars more but would go for a decent Jackson because I prefer their compound ratio more and I'm a fan of the smaller body. I never had the chance to compare a RR24 with a ESP/Edwards side by side but played both and I think the lower wing and the overall body on the Jacksons is a bit smaller which is a benefit for me, because I'm only 174cm.
I think both guitars are very good, there are some differences for sure, but none are major ones. Just pick the one you find cheapest and in best condition, everything else you'll get used to pretty quickly. Ibanez necks, frets and scale length are same or at least very similar to Jackson guitars, ESP and Edwards are a bit different, but not that much.
Thanks guys.

I was set on an rr24 with yellow bevels when this perfect condition edwards sawtooth appeared locally in alberta and I stole it for $1400 cad.


Night and day difference in quality compared to my $400 ibanez. The scalloped frets are very cool. Came set up nicely in drop c and took me like an hour of fiddling to get it properly set up to d standard being that it's my first floyd lol.

Does anyone here own a boss katana? On my other guitar I had a pretty nice tone, but with this those same settings don't sound as nice. Too high of mids and treble + tube screamer ends up sounding too fuzzy. Gain doesn't seem to make it heavier just grainier. Tone anything down and it's not aggressive enough. I have the sneakyamps MS 1959 I+II which sounds better than the stock panel amps. Can anyone help me get a cob tone? Mines a first version katana 100. Might be better to post this bit in a katana specific forum.
Don't know much about Katana amps, but that guitar has an active pickup plus an active boost switch. I think that is too much gain overall, just try to play without the boost switch engaged. Also floyd equipped guitars have more of a snappy sound, more treble and upper mids, so you might want to add more bass to your setup and tone the treble down.
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Don't know much about Katana amps, but that guitar has an active pickup plus an active boost switch. I think that is too much gain overall, just try to play without the boost switch engaged. Also floyd equipped guitars have more of a snappy sound, more treble and upper mids, so you might want to add more bass to your setup and tone the treble down.
The SD Blackout AHB-1B isn't as hot as an EMG-81 if I remember correctly, so it won't be as bad as the EMG-81 + PA-2. I'd still recommend trying to dial the boost down a bit. I ordered my Edwards AL-166 pink sawtooth new and it should arrive later this month. The weird thing is, according to Musamaailma and their reference photos it should have all black hardware like the ESP CS version instead of black chrome like on rabbers guitar and other earlier ESP and Edwards versions.
Maybe they just put the new batch of these guitars and they didn't have those dark chrome floyds in stock at the factory. Sometimes these things change without a notice, especially now at the time of covid it is hard to import anything, so even big factories like ESP have to improvise these days.
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The blackout has an average output of only 0,65 Volts RMS, whereas the 81 has 1,25 Volts. So the blackout has - as an active neck pickup - the same output as an H4 with something between 0,65 and 0,7V.
Anyone know if theres a difference between the je1000 clone from ebay and the original? I bought an original for 45 usd yesterday and want to know if I should swap it out on my j2sp.
I ordered my Edwards AL-166 pink sawtooth new and it should arrive later this month. The weird thing is, according to Musamaailma and their reference photos it should have all black hardware like the ESP CS version instead of black chrome like on rabbers guitar and other earlier ESP and Edwards versions.

Yeah I found this weird too. The seller bought this guitar new from japan a long time ago she said. So the newer guitars have the all black hardware?

Also, I'm noticing something odd that I'm not sure is normal (my first trem guitar). If I relax the strings with the whammy bar and release, the strings will be slightly flat. If I stretch the strings with the whammy bar and release, all the strings will be slightly sharp. If I slightly wiggle the whammy bar then everything will be in tune. It's like the trem isn't resetting to neutral entirely. Is this normal?
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If yopur strings are new, then it's normal. They need a few bends to stay in tune. But if you still have this problem after a few minutes of playing with the whammy bar (and after you re-tuned them), then something is wrong with your floyd. If it's an original Floyd (or Shaller), then your strings should stay in tune after 4 or 5 minutes of playing.
My first guess is that the nut clamps are worn out. Either that or they are not tightened enough. Second guess is that the strings are not tightened well to the bridge itself, so it could be a saddles issue.
Worst case scenario would probably be the knife edges on the floyd baseplate. You can ruin even a proper floyd if you adjust the posts with the floyd under tension. I'd still inspect the nut clamps and saddles first.
Anyone have experience with the Engl 840/50 power amp? I love the FTR and Suicide By My Side tone and Alexi used this on both. I have a Peavey classic 50/50 now and wondering if it’s worth the upgrade.
Hey @<Arcane> I have a question for you (and anyone who has a UX1 Interface). So, my problem is the following, when I listen to the signal from the headphone output(headphone I use AKG K52) it sounds a bit raw/compressed/choked compared to the line out linked to 4-Ohm speakers. Did you experience something similar?
I read, that the speaker emulation of the headphone output could be not the best on certain cases, but honestly I don't know.
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Uhm.. I can't follow you to be honest :D You mean your guitar tone (or tone in general) sounds different to your speakers, than your headphones?

Hard to confirm.. I use some Sony headphones and they sound great when I plug them into the UX1. the only thing I experience is, that the tone changes when I use any interface (Podfarm, Revalver, Nolly, etc...)not as a standalone, but in a DAW. Then it sounds kinda compressed, like a bit far away or some kind of underpowered? But I guess that has something to do with ASIO.
Yes, exactly I mean yeah I might left some details out sorry like the signal chain is the followíng: Guitar--UX1--POD Farm 2.59--Line out to the speakers/headphone output. I don't use any DAW atm.
And as you described the audio from the headphone output it's sounds a bit off in comparison wIth the speakers maybe underpowered is better way to describe it. I'm also questioning if my headphone has a low audio range. I have never head nor try it with a 50€+ headset.
Finally got my je1k clone installed aaaanndd it doesnt seem to be doing what i thought it should. the 3 tone switches seem completely useless making no difference in tone and there is no wha-ish effect with boost on or off. the only thing that does do something is the gain knob, i can increase gain but tone shaping whatsoever. any thoughts?