If you could it'd be nice
Children Of Bodom trusts to Audix quality.
Earlier we used Audix Micro-D clip-on condenser microphones in Jaskas toms. They had problems with sensitivity (like all condenser mics have at big stage volumes). After all Jaska has 5 toms quite near each others. For example at some festival semi-pro series noise gates were used and cymbal leak was huge. Also in monitor side its difficult to get enough tom volume to drum fill without feedback, which caused noise gates in the front mixer to open when they were not suppose to, for example when drum artist Raatikainen was hitting other drum near by or together with snare.
I and our monitor mixer got a great idea that placing mics inside the drums solves the problem. Then we went to Japanese tour where local drum dealer introduced May system to us. I immediately contacted Musamaailma and we got Audix mics and May system to our US tour. Setup was quick, fifteen minutes per drum and we changes one tom mic per gig.
Soundscape was little weird after normal tom mics, but after couple of gigs when eq was under control we realized that there is no going back. You can keep noise gate threshold low and toms blast out from PA and drum fills like guns of Navarone.
At the moment we use Audix D-4 on rack toms, first floor tom has Audix D-4 and last floor tom has Audix D-6 that has awesome lower end. Other mics are D-6 on the bass drum, i-5 on the snare, ADX-51on the hi-hat and ride and overheads are CX-112 condensers. It has turned out to be very well functioning and dynamic package.
For Alexis guitar we use i-5s, for Roope i-5 and D-4, so called vocals are handled with OM-5, at the bigger stages we some times use OM-7 in lead vocals.
Pietsu Pietikäinen / Sound Engineer/ Children Of Bodom Hate Crew
If something sounds totally ridiculous I apologies. I know how noise gates, mics and audio signals work in theory but when applied to live sound engineering I'm totally clueless, lol.