They mean Alexi Laiho from Chrdren Of Boddom not from Children of Bodom
haha that's true ~~
They mean Alexi Laiho from Chrdren Of Boddom not from Children of Bodom
Please tell us we would like to know!i have allways wondered what amps does laiho use... but now i know it thanks to you
about this page
it says laiho use this crybaby wah now
(you can see his name displayed on the middle of the page and steave vai as well)
so can it be true?
I just post what i found , i have no idea about it...
I spoke to the ENGL guys at the MusikMesse in frankfurt.
They told me that roope is using the Engl E530 preamp and the E850/100 100W poweramp.
Ok, let's stop a bit talking about Alexi and Roope and discuss a bit Henkka's new bass:
Anyone knows when he got it or since when is he using it? Sleeper666 posted a pic the other day on the pics thread and it was the first time I saw it.
Haha, awesome! Where was this show? It's kinda hard to imagine that they will travel with eight 4x12 cabinets?Hard to notice Roope is now endorsed by Engl, isn't it?