The Clone Wars

Fuck Mandalore... Nihilus is cool, but let's not forget the baddest motherfucker of them all..


Revan was cool... but lets wait until we find out about Galen Marek, the main character of The Force Unleashed.
look. Im gonna try and be nice.
You're a really cool guy with super sexy hair. but you need your ass kicked.

I think some weekend this Fall when the weather sucks, I'm going to waste an entire Saturday (and possibly Sunday) watching them all in order. I'm gonna need weed brownies :D
Wow, reviews of this have me sincerely worried. It sounds fucking terrible.

I'll wait for d/l, I'm not giving more money to the Star Wars machine. :(
It's indefensible apparently. I won't lapse into Übergeek nonsense hyperbole, but Star Wars has become a cash cow in a guise that frankly sickens me. They could have built on the wonder of the old three, but they decided to milk dedicated fans for every penny they could. It has me a tad upset. :(
I think Lucas was trying to bring the star wars universe to the generation that wasn't around when the movies were first released, but had no idea what that generation wants (which is of course, the original trilogy). I wouldn't be such an avid star wars fan if it wasn't for the sheer quality of the original trilogy and the awesome extended universe.
I can't deny the quality of much of the canon, nor the original three movies, but I can't say I believe George genuinely tried his best for a new generation and just happened to fuck it all up, especially when the original trilogy have been released in over TEN formats, many of them unnecessary.

The franchise lost its way at some point. All that keeps me going is the quality of old, the wonder and the odd bit of canon material that genuinely has some passion and thought in it.
^He funds a lot of shit himself, I mean he got fucked over in the first films, thankfully he was smart enough to keep merchandising rights, but fox essentially OWNS Star Wars and therefore they make the money and they are responsible for all the re-releases. The money he makes goes into Skywalker ranch and further developing 3-d/CGI technology. Sure he's whored out SW, but not as much as the studio, it's like the asshole record label that makes a 'new' Nirvana compilation every year.
Well, Lucas himself stated in many interviews he really made these movies for kids for the most part, that's why he introduced the Ewoks and stuff in RotJ. Or maybe he realized there was more money to be made from the toys if he whored out to the kids, who knows :lol:
If you look at the original fan base for the first 3 movies back in the late 70's, it was teenagers. However, the movies attracted child and adult alike because of it's uniqueness and quality.

It's no surprise that the new 3 had much more description and solid information, if only to attempt to satisfy the original fan base.