The clothing style of katatonia fans?


Dec 10, 2001
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I have a really normal kinda "poppy" style with half long hair and manchester jeans and stuff... I listen to some metal but I`m so far away from metal you can be in style... So how is it for you? It would be nice with a picture or a describtion or something....
Well, I don't really do anything special as far as the way I dress. It's just usually black band t shirts, jeans, and my high boots with lots of buckles :D

I like wearing lots of jewelry. (choker necklaces, leather/metal bracelets etc.)

Yay, its me:


dark clothing... grey and black usually... no logos or anything (I steer away from that stuff).. steer away from jeans and such as well.. regular lookin' ones atleast... and long hair... not much effort but I do know somewhat what I want to look like...
You are really beautiful Bleeding...Anyway, To make the matter more philosophical(or not) How much do you judge people depending on their appearance and style?
um, lamp shade on my head, jeans that are so loose they show not only my boxer shorts but the tops of my socks too. my very cool Avirex jacket, which is pink and yellow, really nasty looking, but it says Avirex so that makes it look good somehow.
I wear whatever ppl buy me.
i never buy my own clothes (exept consert shirts..)
somedays i look like a hiphoper, some days like a biker, somedays just like your everyday slob..
Normal clothes, colours are various shades of black, blue, grey and purple. Nothing too exciting, nothing too expressive. Though I wish I had more "odd" clothes - they are more fun.
Well, my style isn't that complicated... I like to wear black jeans, black long-sleeve t-shirt tucked in with a short-sleeve band t-shirt on top, 10 hold Doc Marten's, 3/4 length leather jacket, "emo-kid" glasses, natural dirty blonde hair to my collar...
i love jeans. but what is that fucking trend that the waist is always so low that everyone knows exactly what kind of underwear you are wearing?! or are you wearing any ;)

ive tried to buy some other color than always black, but it seems i cant help it. though dark red is what i love. it matches with my hair :)

but do i judge ppl depending on what they wear, hmm... i do sometimes but try of course not to. i often find myself thinking "hasnt she (/he, mostly she) looked in the mirror this morning!!". as well i envy ppl who has just the same taste than me (and better!) and what is even worse, they look like id want to look like or some cloth fits better on them than it fits to me. that really makes me sad. or angry. or depressed. :cry:

ok. that wasnt very philosophical. gonna shut up now.
Jonas has made a big impact on my clothing style. Last time I saw him live on stage he had a cap pulled over his head, so being a huge fan of his I've started to do that myself. Now I hardly ever take it off anymore, only when I shower or when I go to bed.
Thanks for the compliments everyone :).

Sindustry: LC kicks ass :D

myrkur: Yea, I know what you mean about those jeans. I don't like looking at other ppl's undies. :p Have you seen the Levis Jean commerical with the singing belly buttons? It's downright scary :cry:

I want a Katatonia shirt :(
It's a pain. Being as tall as I am, yet as "thin" as I am It's impossible to get decent clothes. They're either long enough but too wide or wide enough but too short. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground.

I usually wear Jeans, some form of t-shirt and if it's cold a jumper/sweater. If the occaision calls for it I dress like a schoolgirl. But I was young, foolish and it was a Christmas party so I'm forgiven... though I didn't need to put the oranges in the bra.