The concerts thread

I was thinking that we needed a GMD New England meet anyways. Considering we have a nice New England community here.
I have to agree with that.
However I think it might be worth pointing out that Cookie is currently in Toronto; will this situation have changed in April? Who can say?
Would be cool if we all met up, though. And then thrashed our balls off to Kreator and Exodus and fucking Belphegor, whom Zeph has taught me to appreciate (or rather, Zeph told me they were awesome and then we went to the show and they were awesome).
Anyhow...I'm gonna begin speculating at the setlist. Or at least, what they'll play off the new one.
My guess:
Hordes Of Chaos
To The After Born
and then beyond that possibly Amok Run.
I'm hoping they play these:

Hordes of Chaos
Absolute Misanthropy
Amok Run
Destroy What Destroys You
Total Death
When The Sun Burns Red
Terror Zone
Ripping Corpse
Storming With Vengeance
Agents Of Brutality
I'd also like to see Impossible Brutality of Enemy of God and Violent Revolution off Violent Revolution, as well as Betrayer and Bringer of Torture from Extreme Aggression.
Exodus is playing also? FUCKING RIGHT!!

Anyways, I hope Kreator plays Under the Guillotine. That would be fucking badass.
Exodus, Kreator, and Belphegor.
Imo most of what Exodus has done recently is nothing too special, but definitely solid thrash.
While I was in Las Vegas(from Chicago) I saw In Flames at the House of Blues. Saw the guys walking around the casino before the show. They were nice.

Pretty good show overall. In Flames played a decent mix of old and new. Gojira should have played longer. They have improved alot since I seen them two years ago. All That Remains (meh) and 36 crazyfists also opened. ATR is good but nothing I haven't heard before. Also the vocals kept on cutting out. Even during the first song.