The concerts thread

My future concert schedule

Nominon/Infinitum Obscure July 2nd
Proclamation/Black Witchery August 15th
Destroyer 666 August 25th
Immolation October 28th

And hopefully a trip down to Texas again for Rites of Darkness.

Amazing concert schedule, man. I'd really like to know how Nominon and Infinitum Obscure play live, and their sets.
Yeah that's the tour I want to see in Aug in Tempe. Just the top three bands would be worth seeing, and Swashbuckle is about the only decent "pirate metal" I have heard.

I drove a truck for Werner (home in Omaha) back in the winter, so I crossed Nebraska on the 80 quite a bit. I feel sorry for your lack of everything except cornfields, Platte rivers, and ginormous truck stops.

It's funny though, if I were into indie rock, I'd be in heaven. Omaha is the home of Saddle Creek Records (the SubPop of the 21st century) and hipster hero Conner Oberst (Bright Eyes and about a zillion other projects). The only other city in America with more hipster cred is Austin, TX.
They're aight sometimes.

Is there any point in visiting Omaha as a tourist?

If you're into zoos, the Henry Dorley Zoo is worthwhile. I think National Geographic rated it as one of the world's best. Baseball fans can come and see the College World Series every summer. Otherwise, there isn't much here for attractions. It is a nice town to live in, I just wish we'd get some better shows coming through. Thanks to Wal-Mart, however, our best venue for underground music was tore down.:bah:
The opening act's band name on this gig is brilliant. :lol:

That easily qualifies as the most ridiculous band name I've ever heard...I thought Flatulent Egg Yolks From Scandinavia was the worst, but it has been topped!
Dutch people are freaks. I like that band name!

I'm gonna be in Boston for a weekend in August and hoping to see something good then, because there is NOTHING going on in Albany the whole time I'm home. :(