the Continental


nocturnal creature
Sep 30, 2003
lurking in the darkness
Ok, I can finally say I'm THRAXPERIENCED! Tuedsay night's show was a killer! The band played an awesome set with lots of stuff from W.C.F.Y.A. as well as some old favorites. I am so glad they played Belly of the Beast! The venue wasn't very big for the likes of a band like Anthrax but they made it work like no other band could! Frank and Scott traded places a few times and got the audience all wound up. John was just ALL OVER THE PLACE...boy what a stage presence! Charlie kicked ass on the drums as always and Rob thrilled everyone with his amazing guitar work. Awesome job, guys! I have to say "Thanks" for coming to Buffalo! Also thanks for being so sweet after the show. It has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager to see Anthrax play live and meet the band. I had a good time hanging out with Charlie. He is so cool and down-to-earth. I also have to say a big thanks to Dirk! He is so generous and really does a good job with the fans...and to the road crew for all your hard work! Also thanks to the guys in Herod(the opening band) and to Sandy at their merchandise table. It was truly a time I will never forget!!!:Spin:
The shows only get better. You make me excited to see a show right now just by your description. \nn/ Glad you had fun and met the band. :D
I too was at the show last night and it was great! I saw them at the Stone Pony back in June and they rocked even harder here in Buffalo last night. Frankie was ALL over the stage and John was going from wall to wall screaming. What an awesome show. The only thing that would have made it better is if it didn't rain so damn much. A lot of us got soaking wet waiting outside for the doors to open, but once the show started no one even cared. Can't wait to see them again! :D
I also attened the show in Buffalo and it kicked major ass!! I was near the fron on Scott's side. Does anyone know how long his Goatee is? Scott didn't seem to be as moblie as i'd thought he'd be but it may be because the stage was small. He did his normal stomping and stuff but didn't wonder to much from his side of the stage. Frank was very energetic mainly staying on the other side but did come over to my side a number of times to get the crowd going. Rob didn't stray much from the left side of the stage but did a good job. Charlie once again proved why he's still one of the best metal drummers out there. The real star of the show was John Bush. First of all when did John shave his head bald? His stage presence is on of the best i've ever seen. I know why Scott said one of the reasons they let Joe go was lack of stage presence. John has no problem there as he was moving from one side to the next and really getting the crowd going while still signing excellent. Highlights for me were WDD which is one of the best openning songs i've ever heard. Be all, End all, BOTB and the stuff off ATL.

The guys really played a kick ass show and I always wondered why they play short sets. After seeing how much they put into the shows and the energy they have I don't wonder about that anymore. Scott mad a comment before MTM about how all the fancy pants pussies on MTV flash the metal sign when they're on camera but they've never been to the shows or in the pit so they don't know metal. He said they next time we see one of these people to punch them in the fucking face for him. It got a good reation and I couldn't agree more with Scott

Set List:

Contact/What doesn't Die
Black Dahlia
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Inside out
Refused to be Denied
Belly of the Beast

Be all, end all
Metal thrashing mad

Rock On!