Scott Ian Lets Fan Down Once Again

What is so funny is I have met Scott twice, and he was cool as shit both times. What a lot of people don't understand is that rock stars are HUMAN BEINGS, and human beings do have a bad day once in a while. If a fan catches them on a bad day, it leaves a lasting impression that "that dude's just a dick". I am not excusing all rock stars--there are definitely the assholes. I met Pepper Keenan of COC & Down years ago. He was a complete ASSHOLE. That doesn't stop me from buying and listening to the shit he plays on. Musicians are people, too. Keep that in mind.
Being in a band and playing numerouse shows, I know what it's like (just don't got as many fans) to get off the stage and not want to talk to anyone and just go somewhere and sleep! After playing on stage for an hour or a little more, you get tired as fucking hell! So much so that you don't wanna talk to people even! And Scott is how old? I'm only 17 and I get tired. Imagine how tired he must get!