The critter thread!


That picture is just waaaaay to adorable! Makes me want a hamster really bad. But I already discarded my idea of getting a pug this year because I'm so often away from home and I don't like the idea of my animals being a burden to other people. Sucks...

It's an Axolotl.



Can my little critters join this thread too?
Ok, they are just fishies but they are so cute.
If one is interested in the article that belongs to these pictures, please feel free to read and comment.
Breeding Gastromyzons hasn't really been a succes on a greater scale, so i'm kinda proud i have an active couple.
Haven't seen any fry survive yet but maybe soon, because i'm a few weeks away from redecoration on the substrate.
I now have sand but i'm going to change it into gravel.
Not all of it, i will keep a 'sandy beach' in front of the glass but pictures of that later, after the redecoration.
Here's one of my precious Hillstream Loaches and this Gastromyzon momma is mega full with eggs and ready to spawn ^^




And for the interested ones (with more pics and links):

I wouldn't keep insects myself, but I think think they're kinda cool. The bug house is always one of my favorite places to visit at the zoo! (Zoos are evil, I know)
Well, it's been some time since the last of the bettas I got in 2009 passed away. My schedule has calmed down and I'm getting to spend more time at home now, so I thought it was time to bring another fish home (tried to get the most pathetic looking one, of course). I had wanted to get one of these long bookshelf aquariums for a betta a few years ago but didn't really have the space for it. I love how it fits on the desk! :)



Petrus Augustus