The Damageplan shooting.


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May 1, 2003
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This is so sad. People are going to be paranoid while going to see shows and security is going to be beefed up, even at small places. My thoughts goes to Dimebags family,friends and fans.

Shootings like this proves my negative attitude toward guns right... "ohhh, but if Dimebag had a gun he could shoot back att the guy..." SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING DICK!

Wonder how gunmanufacturers are gonna invent something that makes only lawabiding people get their hands on guns.
Man this is by far the worst news this week...since this Monday when I lost my friend to fucking cancer.
What the fuck is going on these days.
This fucking sickens me. No one is safe anymore. People are so upset about terrorism right now, but they forget that there are Americans killing Americans more than anything else. It does not matter who you are, where you are, your importance, it doesn't matter. Feeling safe is no longer an option.
I've never held a gun, and never plan to. No need for them. Except if you want some deer meat...but that's what friends are for.

My condolences go to all who were close to Dime.
Posts like this prove that my negative attitude towards pussies like you
are 100% justified....Let me just get this right clown, You're blaming the gun
not the shooter for last nights unfortunate events... Go fuck yourself faggot!!

Not that you'd know being a european pussy and all!!! But Dimebag was an advocate of firearms...And growing up in Texas that doesn't surprise most of us here I'm sure...As usual the backwards thinking can't defend themselves so they count on other countries europeans are crying that guns are responsible.

I don't know if you read any of the eyewitness reports or if you were too busy fucking your mother....But the loser who commited this horrible murder walked right on the stage with intent of hurting Dime...Be it a gun, a knife or a fucking bomb, that sick retarded fuck who hopefully is burning in hell right now was going to get at least him....But it's the guns fault right??? That gun was coming to get him whether that guy brought it there or not, right...

Bottom Line....You're a LOSER!!!

R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell!!! You won't be forgotten!!

Arg_Hamster said:
This is so sad. People are going to be paranoid while going to see shows and security is going to be beefed up, even at small places. My thoughts goes to Dimebags family,friends and fans.

Shootings like this proves my negative attitude toward guns right... "ohhh, but if Dimebag had a gun he could shoot back att the guy..." SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING DICK!

Wonder how gunmanufacturers are gonna invent something that makes only lawabiding people get their hands on guns.
T-man, T-man T-man...
I am blaming the shooter... but so many people can´t handle guns. There is no guarante that all guns will end up in the hands of good conservative christians like yourself... so the last part was just food for thought.

And whatever you think it´s not hard to get guns over here.
I guess it's just that I'm all about keeping my rights....And the 2nd Amendment happens to be one of them......And you know what, I apologize for my earlier rant this is not the time or post to be arguing about gun control.

All my thoughts and prayers go out to Dime, Vinnie and all the people affected by this senseless act of violence in one way or another. This is going to be a very sad Christmas for so many people now.

Arg_Hamster said:
T-man, T-man T-man...
I am blaming the shooter... but so many people can´t handle guns. There is no guarante that all guns will end up in the hands of good conservative christians like yourself... so the last part was just food for thought.

And whatever you think it´s not hard to get guns over here.
I agree T-man. Guns are ok as long as they are used on a guning range or for hunting.

I´m not a big fan of Pantera and never cared much about Damageplan, but this really is a tragedy. I bet the Hollywood bastards are already planning a movie and are casting people... vultures...

Yeah I heard about what happened to Dimebag Darrel, you can read and watch more of it on this link below. Our band Vehemence played at the Al Rosa Villa venue with Decapitated in the summer of 2002, and from what I remember I could step off the stage if I wanted to, you were that close to your fans, they could get close enough to you to flick your ear, or punch your face. Also I remembered that place had no security other than the door guy.

Its unclear still, if this is a conspiracy, or freak psycho incident. I guess this is what happens with rock stars are playing smaller venues; they may think it’s friendly but could lead to many other things like death or assault. I heard the responses from the Howard Stern show.

I met him several times, and got the opportunity to hang out with him for some hours and some minutes each time Pantera or Damangeplan came through Hollywood, or Phoenix, Arizona. It’s a very sad day in metal. He was a good guy, take it from me. – John from Vehemence
Arg Hamster is right on the point that sick fucks should NOT carry guns.
Some Czech press agency just brought an information on that and they added that it´s probably fault of "the brutal music Abbott´s brothers were playing". You know I feel like blowing their office up.
didnt like Pantera but that is fucked up..........
That could of happened anywhere...I've never been searched at a gig at Manchester and you can get a peice within 1mile of the apollo.
Dont blame the music, Dont blame the gun...Blame the crazed fucked up asshole on the other end...
Hope his hell is SHIT

I'd love to say that something good could come of this, but I really don't see what. This is a senseless death, and it happened to someone who truly didn't deserve it. But I suppose that's the way it has always been.
i think mental illness is the real problem here. as far as guns go, im glad the cop showed up and shot that asshole. i would have shot him(the asshole) too. guns dont kill people, mental people with guns kill people.

a guy at work met darrel at a "meet and greet". he said he was "jolly".

t-man, i remember that show. i think it was my first.---tom
I'm never one to bash guns, as they are not really the problem. On the other hand, they are not something I feel the need to possess. And I agree, mental illness is the problem here. Senseless murders piss me off.