The Deathspell Omega Poll

Your feelings on Deathspell Omega...

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I think it's a byproduct of overconsumption. Too many albums, not enough time. I wouldn't need another source for finding music than this forum, yet I still subscribe to 3 metal magazines and check reviews sites to find more music to, I hate to say it...consume.

I haven't even given the last couple of Maiden albums 10 spins each so far, and 15 years ago, all the metal I owned was Maiden. The first 50 vinyls I bought were Maiden stuff.


I started that thread about whether we've 'forgotten' how to listen to music. IMO there's no doubt that we're all collectively in one big haze of confusion simply because of the massive amounts of music we all sift through, trying to find that one gold nugget in a ton of gravel.

Perhaps nobody's stopping to smell the roses anymore.

I started that thread about whether we've 'forgotten' how to listen to music. IMO there's no doubt that we're all collectively in one big haze of confusion simply because of the massive amounts of music we all sift through, trying to find that one gold nugget in a ton of gravel.

Perhaps nobody's stopping to smell the roses anymore.

Bro. I enjoy 90% of the music I own. Sure the masterpieces are fewer and farther between than the competent releases who act as side dishes to the fillet mignons that are "Diadem of 12 Stars" and "Heart of the Ages". To solely concentrate on these releases would not be as rewarding of an experience if it were not for the sharing of airplay with a cavalcade of 4 star releases that bring their own elements and styles to the table, faults and all.
I think we should spend less time discussing how great the forum used to be and more time working on making the forum great again. That said I don't know what the hell RC was like then, so I wouldn't know, but I do know that the few times I've openly talked about music I've gotten minimal response. Maybe because my tastes differ from the average RCer?
I think overregulation of discussion is the wrong route to pursue, even if it does seem to promise results. This type of atmosphere stifles the anything-goes atmosphere which has - to me - been the most enduring aspect of appeal this place has to offer (even moreso than Jerry's rants.) If people want to talk about music, they'll do so. We seem to go in spurts right now, and I'm sure this does have a fair bit to do with overconsumption. (A lot of great points in Tranquillian's post) I often find myself frustrated with the fact that I simply cannot remember or keep track of all the albums I've checked out that warrant more attention. Furthermore, I don't have the jew tokens to make my purchasing dreams a reality. In the end, I often find myself struggling to access and process half of the albums of the current year of which I've taken interest.

For all these changes in RC over the few years I've been here, I find this place continues to beckon to me for a few reasons:
a) variety of people who are pretty funny
b) anything-goes (except Susperia)
c) Jerry's rants
d) discussion of scrotum shaving, HD porn, accepting gay sex, neo-conservatism and other bizarre topics
e) there could be more (MYSTERY POST!?!)

edit: on topic - Deathspell Omega is a very interesting band, though I'd agree with J., inferior to Hirilorn in every sense of the word. They create powerful atmospheres with their unique and compelling songcraft.

The only thing that bothers me about Zod's attitude here is that he genuinely seems to believe that fans of the band are somehow "wrong" or "missing something." What kind of bullshit is that?
Fas > Si > Ke > 88mph of all other black metal

Krigloch's signature makes me chuckle in a depressed kind of way, cause it's pretty lame that the best reasons to vote for a candidate are things he hasn't done.

Ron Paul: He's Never Eaten A Baby.
:lol: Even though I'm voting for him too.
For the record, Zod's anti-Sunn O))) bit was my favourite:
E-Bortion and Nad = Gay and Lying

I've decided that neither of you actually like Sun0}]>%^. Clearly you only say you like Sunn0><><>{} because you think it makes you cooler than the rest of us.


Because no one actually likes Sunno#@*)((). What's there to like? It sounds like someone left their bass amp on, and every so often someone drunk (probably Nad) trips over the plugged in bass.

Fuck... compared to Sunn^~`~'" Bathory is godly.:loco:

I have spoken.:flame:

"It sounds like someone left their bass amp on, and every so often someone drunk (probably Nad) trips over the plugged in bass."

Greatest sentence ever written on RC. :lol:
Perhaps their ideology/lyrics/art/so on do have a huge impact on how much of a chance I give them. I guess honestly if I heard "Fas" and didn't know who it was by then I probably would've hated it and never given it a second chance.
It wasn't really meant to be responded to since it was clearly one-sided in nature. Just a different way of expressing an opinion (that you obviously didn't care for). Agree or disagree, I'll take it any day over much of the nonsense and instant message type discussions that take place here on a daily basis. It's a forum that should be about music first and foremost and it's become a mere shell of its former self.


Can't argue there.