The Deathspell Omega Poll

Your feelings on Deathspell Omega...

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maybe I should first read the 40-page booklet that comes with it? but if that's so important I would like have a sample of that as well. or can it only be understood by reading it from cover to cover?
Deathspell Omega's music is highly dependent upon the overall experience of the album as a whole accompanied with and understanding of the ideological intents evoked through the music. Without having this understanding and only listening to one song once, it's really not surprising that you didn't get much out of it.

oh come on! i listened to one song once and it floored me because it is well written/recorded/thought-out music. trying to make it some super-special exercise in ideological exploration is a pretty laughable pursuit if you ask me.
You're missing my entire point, Matt 2. If you read the last bit of what I said, namely "it's really not surprising that you didn't get much out of it," I'm not saying that it's impossible to enjoy it without the aforementioned setting, rather it's much more likely that you will enjoy it given those settings.
Necuratul said:
I just find the idea laughable that something that you can enjoy without any knowledge of the political ideology of the band can be so completely changed by learning said information, as if it alters something in the music itself. I prefer to judge music based on its own merits, not on emotional attachments or certain quirks of my own (or for that matter, of the artist, as long as it doesn't necessarily impact the music).

Necuratul said:
Deathspell Omega's music is highly dependent upon the overall experience of the album as a whole accompanied with and understanding of the ideological intents evoked through the music. Without having this understanding and only listening to one song once, it's really not surprising that you didn't get much out of it.

I know, I actually looked through that thread the other day and :erk:ed when I came across that post. I must have worded something very wrong or either misconstrued what I meant to say, but I don't stand behind that post at all.
i liked fas-ite et cetera a lot when i first got it, so i thought it would fade a bit over time for me, but no fucking way. it's like screaming through a dark portal of nightmarish hallucinations on a hang glider of stitched-together human flesh while crazy little snippets of razor-sharp little weedly bits go whizzing by your head and your thoughts are drowned out by the cacaphonous churning of satan's bowels after a taco bell power lunch, then suddenly you're jerked out of the headlong rush into the blackest pits of utter madness to lurch into the slavering jaws of the almighty headbanging riff and you're pierced by little hooks that sink into your flesh and bore little holes into your brain while they burn, oh they burn so good. yes.
i liked fas-ite et cetera a lot when i first got it, so i thought it would fade a bit over time for me, but no fucking way. it's like screaming through a dark portal of nightmarish hallucinations on a hang glider of stitched-together human flesh while crazy little snippets of razor-sharp little weedly bits go whizzing by your head and your thoughts are drowned out by the cacaphonous churning of satan's bowels after a taco bell power lunch, then suddenly you're jerked out of the headlong rush into the blackest pits of utter madness to lurch into the slavering jaws of the almighty headbanging riff and you're pierced by little hooks that sink into your flesh and bore little holes into your brain while they burn, oh they burn so good. yes.
Wow... I was just going to write the same thing, word for word. The only difference being, I was going to say "needly bits" not "weedly bits". How bizarre. :loco:
