Formerly Ulster Mosher.
I'd forgotten why I never come here any more, and reading this and a few other threads today has brought it all flooding back. There are just too many whiney wee bitches on here, complaining about everything, and dragging everything into a Bush v Belladonna arguement. All I care about is, Anthrax are back, and they are fucking rocking. I loved Fight 'Em, and having listened to Devil You Know 10 times in a row, I fucking love it too. My favourite band are back, and thats all I care about. I grew up with Joey as the singer, and loved John Bush as well, and could care less who was singing, as long as they are still bringing out cracking music, thats all that matters. I could be several more years before I come back if certain people don't fucking grow up or disappear up their own arses. Peace!!!!