*****The different Photo Thread*****

:lol: i'll forward it to her, she'll be happy to hear that. she's not only beautiful as hell, she's also extremely nice and lovely and you'll never see her without a smile on her face. that's the kind of person you want to have around you when you're down...
wow that's a cool thread... hi all, i'm new here and posting some pics that i took with cheap digi cam.... not so artistic as the others but at least they might look different..
spring days in Japan :)




and sorry it has letters on it :p
hey welcome here "junnie from the east" :wave:

so here am i again - these pic were taken by me with an analogue camera and were also not modified but only scaned!


the pic above i've taken from this tower



and i also couldn't resist to put these here- i made them 5 years ago (to this time when Morten Veland was still in Tristania)

Morten Veland.


Vibeke Stene

hello my japan brother !
i'm very interesting by the japanese civilization
it can explain my nickname : benkei ( for Musashibo Benkei )
hi thank you for your warm welcome my friends! :)
Ollo-san, how come your japanese so good? i saw the linked page and you like Naruto :D have you been here in Japan?
and benkei-san, thank you for your hello, but i'm your japan sister ;)
wow you know about japan too! very international place here is!
and here one from Toulouse i took last year ;) :


and at last but not least @ HYPNOS - hey my friend i love b&w pic as well :) i know we should not post pic of ourselves here- but i found this one from me nice (was made by friend of mine)

junnie from the east said:
hi thank you for your warm welcome my friends! :)
Ollo-san, how come your japanese so good? i saw the linked page and you like Naruto :D have you been here in Japan?
and benkei-san, thank you for your hello, but i'm your japan sister ;)
wow you know about japan too! very international place here is!

My big brothers has learn japanese and has teach me some lessons !
i'm a great fan of mangas and no I've never been Japan :erk:

Geri: My elder brothers and sister were born in Toulouse !!!!!!
i loved the city as well - beautiful :Spin:

so then here you are - Toulouse once more - Art by Geri *lol*

@Geri: do you have more of these b&w pics of yourself? c'mon, just post all of them here! we're eager to see more...
here some nature pics:


a see in southern Poland at nightfall


a lovely group of trees near my hometown. unfortunately the left tree was damaged by a storm so that only two of them are left :(


a cross on the cemetary of my hometown


sun breaking though the clouds in my hometown


an angel figure on some grave on the famous 'Cmentarz Rakowicki'-cemetary in Cracow


a tree in my hometown in a fullmoon night with lots of fog :)


a very common view on the university of Ulm, which is surrounded by forest and bathed in fog for half of the year :lol:

sorry for the bad quality, but these pics are old and my scanner was f...ed up then. i also was too lazy to pimp them up in photoshop...:lol:
Congratualtion everybody... a lot of beatifull pics!

Traianus market by night (Rome)

archs (Rome)

Civita di Bagnoregio, the dying city

A frozen fountain

A Parrot from Australian's Blue Mountains

Samael's Vorph in concert