The Divine Wings Of Tragedy

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I opened the thread, saw Tubbs' New Avatar, and thought that he just quadruple posted +144 times before I realized that Montu Sekhmet put the O RLY owl there also.
Ptah Khnemu said:

and btw, I already did +133. You were supposed to do +134 and now, I have to do +135.

:lol: when I started my post yours wasn't there

and single "1" double "2" triple "nothing" means "1""2""2"("nothing")

This is easily the +149th time I've listened to an 8-bit version of Ghost Love Score by Nightwish within the past 24 hours. O.o
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hmm, Montu actually messed up the count. I said "give me about 143 milliseconds", which was the next number. I think you've messed this thread up about 148 times now. Darnit on a finely baked muffin. A big, gargantuan, juicy fat one. :erk:

actually, I've screwed up this thread 151 times.
This has been a pretty bad weekend for me too, I drove about 155 miles to a baseball game that wa rained out.
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