The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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My Alex must be a dirty old man because he did that too. Hhhahha, He drove 10 hours to see me. I dunno if 2 years older makes him a dirty old man though. He did get lost getting here so that would put it at a 12 hour journey.
Confession: I don't know how to drive. Failed the eye test last time I tried, almost killed the instructor and the other student in the back. I will try again when I get my glasses prescription renewed.
Yeah that was her. I think I talked the most about her with you actually. Thanks for that :)

She was scary.
I had a creepy stalker guy once. He looked like a fat version of the "Napster-Bad" Hetfield. He'd follow me around at Youth Group (yes) and when I'd ask if he wanted to join in the basketball game, he'd just stand in the lane talking to me. I had to post-up on my own teammate. And he was icky.
I had a creepy stalker guy once. He looked like a fat version of the "Napster-Bad" Hetfield. He'd follow me around at Youth Group (yes) and when I'd ask if he wanted to join in the basketball game, he'd just stand in the lane talking to me. I had to post-up on my own teammate. And he was icky.

keep going I'm seconds from nutting.
Hush! I frequent New York City often, but I live on Long Island, hardly in the ghetto or anything haha. So I don't get what the big deal is about New York, are there more stalkers here or something? haha.

if it was someone from the ghetto he probably wouldn't be able to afford all those fucking flowers.

EDIT: wow didn't realize how many pages there where.

The official term is "Dirty Old Men"
my grandfather thrives on that, we where about to enter longhorn and there was a girl who worked there that was holding open the door and my mom said "wow I love her shirt" so when we got to the door my grandfather said "ya'know my daughter loves your shirt, i like whats in it"
Okay, I need some help with this. I've been getting flowers every single day, since Thursday, delivered to my house. They're addressed to me, but with no "from". HUGE bouquets, mostly of roses and such. What is the deal? I have asked everyone and they deny. Hardly anyone knows my street address that I know of. Do I have a stalker? Is this a secret admirer? WTF! It's really creepy.
Well, when you flash your shit around town as much as you probably do, word spreads pretty quickly. So, it's not hard to fathom horny jerkoffs buying you a bouquet so you'll allow them to let a nut go on your grotesque, mishapen body because everyone knows you're easier than finding a christmas tree in December. Slut.
It's official. James is done. Put a fork in him. It's over.

That was the worst attempt at a flame I've ever read.
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