The Dreaming Mind and The World Unborn


Sanity Assasin
Feb 4, 2002
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With a new studio album coming in June, I wonder what the chances of getting a re recorded Dreaming Mind and World Unborn are for bonus tracks.

These are two great songs that stand out on the 92 demo imo. Maybe because they are new to me compared to the others that are on the first album, but what a riff the dreaming mind has.

What do u guys think?

I wish i could get my hands on the ltd edition DHIADW just for the 3 bonus tracks on there. I wont miss out with an Enemies ltd edition this time round.
yeah, hmm, I have that limited edition, actually we have two of them now, but they are not for sale, as both of them are signed.
I sincerely doubt they would take something from the demo for bonus, although I would like them to take that option into consideration. I like Utopia very much too.
Hehe, you've succeeded, im jealous.:)

I do hope they consider it, like they did with Chances Three.

Utopia is another as well, Interesting intro for that song but, it will be a good excuse to sing some of those high vox again, which is always good.
Pretty muvh doubt The Dreaming Mind and The World Unborn, which came first teh lyrics or the music.

He had more time well over 3yrs, but with a less budgetnow for 2003!!!

You know the score, I suffer too. Blasting machine.

Is a woman a giver of *ultimate pleasure*

Dr Frankenstein
I think there is a good chance you will see at least one of those tracks end up as a B Side for Enemies. And Crown.....I too own the limited DHIADW box set with the 3 extra tracks............AWESOME

Yeah, I was lucky enough to score a copy off of a guy from Quebec. "Utopia" is a flat-out, kick-ass track. I too am surprised it hasn't shown up again.

I'll probably pull it out tonight. Thanks for reminding me about it.:headbang:

Oh, if you can get the DH box, it's well worth it. eBay has them up every so often. That's probably your best shot.
Yes, I heard a while back the copies all sold out, I can keep looking though.

I have all the bonus songs on MP3 so im not missing out completely.