Wanted: Nevermore Demos "dreaming Mind", "utopia", Etc....

Originally posted by Trapped

It's not hard man, do it yourself... hook the power up, and then connect it to whichever hardrive you want it hooked to... simple...

I took the tower apart, and yeah, i have many extra hook ups in there. BUt the thing is, the place where the burner goes(the only slot left thats big enough), it has a drive there(the drive is smaller than the burner. I have a compaq), IMO, the drive that is there should be in one of teh otehr slots. I cant find a scwer driver that will match up to the screws, and i can feel them, but i cant see them, i will need a special screw driver, one with the right tip, and it must be curved as well. The burner bolts up from the sides, that drive bolts up from the bottom.

BUt yeah, as soon as i get it in, ill get everyone a copy. iTs no problem at all, and i was never forced into makeing a promise that i would not share hahahaha.

I think everyone should have copies of these demoes etc.
Originally posted by metalized
:D Just connect the cables, plug the power and hit it. :lol:
The power button i mean. :grin:

Nah, leddie take his advice under serious consideration....................

and then take a techie to help you.

Im gettin a tech, unless i find the proper tool. thanks for teh help guys
Would someone be able to take this zip file and post these track by track? The zip file is something like 64mb, and my computer is not liking it (dialup) :cry:
There's a nifty little program called "Star Downloader" you can download from download.com It'll let you schedule downloads and it'll even hang up and shut down the computer when it's done if you want. It also will pick up where it left off if the connection is broken. Anyway....time to delete the file. Sorry to those who missed out.