The end of the road / basket case / irrecoverable breakdown thread

I'm upset because other men are having sex with beautiful women right now and I'm not. I'm also not the type that a lot of them would go for these days.

Again: you're talking about other men and women. Focus on you. Women are attracted to confidence, health and self-esteem. Ironically, you will never have any of those as long as you spend your day thinking about what others are doing.
Haha. What did I do or say that was different from others here?

Obviously. I'm scared.

You just crack me up with all these sympathetic posts, and I don't understand why people with lives have the time or ability to care about what some whiny 19 year old is saying on a message board. But don't worry, you aren't the only one I give shit too.
I get these massive rages and just march up and down fantasizing about all kinds of crazy shit. I don't see how you can go from being likes this to having a movie happy ending.

Not trying to be a dick here, but have you read up on James Eagan Holmes? He said the same shit you're saying. At least you live in England, so you probably won't get a hold of something more dangerous than a kitchen knife.
Listen dude, try and see a shrink. Antidepressants will do you a world of good.There's nothing embarassing about correcting a chemical imbalance in your brain. Although I've always thought that that chemical imbalance was an excess of retardedness. But maybe that's just you, personally. Anyhow.
You really just need to leave jolly old England and live in a developing Eastern European country so you can feel fancy, dangle your UK citizenship and attract nonliberal women who don't like black men
Well last time I attracted liberal women who like both so whatever. I don't care about it in that way, I just want someone myself.
Perceiving women as evil witches who deliberately hurt you by fucking black men would fit nicely into the middle ages. It's quite possible that you are becoming dangerous to society and instead of burning some at the stake you will go and cry-rape a cute one in public. Now I'm not going to advise you to travel to Ukraine or some eastern gypsyland to swing a passport in a fatty's face because I honestly think that is retarded and wouldn't help you. I just think you should stop imagining other people having sex like a porn fairytale, everybody has their cunting problems that you don't even know of. Those alpha nigs that you find so intimidating don't ride fucking unicorns and shit.
Perceiving women as evil witches who deliberately hurt you by fucking black men would fit nicely into the middle ages. It's quite possible that you are becoming dangerous to society and instead of burning some at the stake you will go and cry-rape a cute one in public. Now I'm not going to advise you to travel to Ukraine or some eastern gypsyland to swing a passport in a fatty's face because I honestly think that is retarded and wouldn't help you. I just think you should stop imagining other people having sex like a porn fairytale, everybody has their cunting problems that you don't even know of. Those alpha nigs that you find so intimidating don't ride fucking unicorns and shit.

I hope this means you're back.
Your theory is loaded with contradictions. If "nothing means anything" them the world is neither good or bad. It just is. Therefore, when you claim that " the world is hell," you are just as ingornant and sheepish as those who are ignorantly blissful. You've just veered to the other extreme and in doing so, demonstrated yourself to be just as unenlightened as those you criticize.

People need meaning in order for their lives to be enjoyable, yet this is also counterbalanced by the greatest epic cosmic irony/bad joke/tragedy that we are finite mortal beings capable of contemplating concepts such as infinity, eternity, death, and our place in the universe. With such concepts within our minds minds we therefore also need an eternal infinite existance in order to attain true meaning and thus happiness, but it is denied to us as we get sick and die just like all other lifeforms on this planet - which is why we have created our alternate forms of reality to justify our existance and give it true cosmic eternal meaning. Basically all religions in the world contain mythology relating to an eternal afterlife (there isn't a single one which says death is the absolute end) and the reason why over 90% of people in the world believe in religions is precisely because they fill the otherwise-meaningless eternal void that occurs when mortal beings contemplate death.

And what good does being able to contemplate death or being self-aware or being supposedly intelligent do us anyway? Humanity is undoubtedly the most vile and destructive species to have ever walked this earth. We've sent millions of species into extinction (either directly or via our meddling), we've poisoned the entire global ecosystem from top to bottom (including ourselves - "free dose of cancer-causing toxins with any food or drink purchased now at your local supermarket/restaurant/fast food outlet"), and we're rapidly using up this planet's non-renewable resources as at ever-increasing rate while simultaneously fanning the flames of global warming (like lemmings off a cliff, except the lemmings don't actually know that their actions will lead to their demise - we know, but we just don't care).

And let's not even get started on all the genocides, wars and other atrocities that we as humans have been so addicted to throughout our brutal blood-soaked history. And let's not forget that most people on this planet live in dire poverty and squalor while the rest spend their days gorging themselves on fillet steaks and such. The hypocrisy, the greed, the corruption, the apathy, the suffering: "All animals are equal, BUT some animals are more equal than others" - George Orwell, Animal Farm.

Now why don't you go ahead and weave me some fairytales about how wonderful the world/life/mankind is...? :dopey:
I believe there is a direct correlation between happiness and ignorance, unhappiness and knowledge: once you are smart enough to see through all the pretentious nonsense that human society tries to patch the void of oblivion with and realize that nothing means anything, it's all downhill from there. The world is Hell, but most people are blissfully ignorant of that fact as they happily march within their gullible little sheep herds.

This is such a bullshit stance always made by pseudo intellectuals. There are further degrees of realization after the 'everything thing is shit' mentality. It shows a great deal of immaturity to get stuck on that viewpoint.