The End Records - business article

pretty interesting stuff to read. Omega and The End are great!

Surprised they didn't mention sort of a loyalty bonus, they are already keeping records of what people order and there are probably plenty of people who sometimes order at omega, and sometimes elsewhere. You want that extra business. Wouldn't be hard to give people extra promo stuff if they order above a certain amount. Or: everytime you order you get credits, and with those credits you can get special stuff etc.
yes, the mail order has very friendly people :)
Also once I asked about if they would get newest The Black League, and they said they would look for that, and later it came to the catalogue, even though TBL are not licensed outside of Finland anymore, so I guess they made a special deal.

But what you mention are still "normal" customer service things, I mean it´s above average friendliness and service, but what about the stuff mentioned in the article, like special band-content on the homepage?

Recently The 69 Eyes put their entire new Angels-album up for listening from myspace (but I´m sure that wouldn´t have happened a few years ago, not only because of technical possibilites but also because it just wasn´t done). Since I was very disappointed of the previous 69E-release, but have all the records from the beginning, I had considered not to buy this one anymore, but now I listened and find it one of their bestest :D albums ever, and will buy it next month, it´s on my shopping list. So in that sense they got a new buyer.
Last summer maybe?
I think being in Utah may have entailed other expenses because it's so far away from the major business/entertainment centres - especially for connecting with bands coming over from Europe, coordinating PR stuff...
They actually moved from Utah to California some time ago...and then they made the move from CA to NY towards the end of last year. I'll surely second the notion of The End Records great customer service! :headbang:

Actually they moved from CA to Utah, and move to NY from Utah. The reason for the move to NY was to be directly involved with Sony, their distributer. A lot more can be accomplished on a daily basis when you're in the same neighborhood. NY was a smart move for them, regardless of the cost.
oops...yeah, that's what I meant...I got my states mixed up :erk:

Ahh, well, Paul sheds some more light there...

BTW...though this isn't the thread to post this...if you check back this thread Paul - love the new album! :headbang:

Actually they moved from CA to Utah, and move to NY from Utah. The reason for the move to NY was to be directly involved with Sony, their distributer. A lot more can be accomplished on a daily basis when you're in the same neighborhood. NY was a smart move for them, regardless of the cost.

I don't think it matters where you are located to be in touch with your distributor. Plus doesn't The End do some of their own distributing so as not to rely on another company? ... But word has it the move was because his wife's work got moved to NY or something like that....
Some related topic,
Green Carnation and The End Records

This is what the band says:

""Tchort announce that the current line up of Green Carnation has split up.

Although releasing the amazing concert DVD A night under the Dam earlier this year, the band felt drained of energy after the miserable organized USA tour put together by The End Records and their booking agent. The End Records being one of the main supporters of the band the last years, bringing hope back to Green Carnation's view on the music business, left the band with broken promises, huge debts, theft of license money and a poor organized tour draining the band for energy. The band doesn’t blame The End Records for all of its problems, but they made a bad situation worse by first giving the tour a green light when the conditions for the tour were doomed from the beginning and then later withdraw license money, merchandise money, merchandise and not paying the band or its sound engineer, leaving the band in debts. All of which could have been avoided by cancelling the tour before it started. The End Records lost money on the tour as well, so why it wasn’t cancelled when the contracts for the tour were offered to the label, is a unanswered question.

The deal for the tour was that Green Carnation would cover the flights to and from the USA, while the rest of the tour would be covered by The End Records and tour income. But in the end, the band covered the flights, their own fee, the fee of the sound engineer, some of the gas and hotel expenses during the tour, and paid for CD's that were sold during the tour. On top of that The End Records - withdraw the license money from the last album, took all the merch money and the CD's to cover their own losses. What The End Records had to gain from sending the band across the world, driving across the continent of America twice, just to come to a town where the local promoter haven’t been seen around for the last 4 months, or arrive at clubs that don’t even know you are coming, to clubs where the local promoter put up another show because the booking agent never replied to their booking confirmation so instead they went ahead and booked other tours on the same date.

In the end, it made the band members avoid live situations, tours and business partners. The band members felt they had little or nothing to give anymore, and I don’t blame them. I saw where we were heading and it wasn’t where we wanted to be at, so instead of ending up with a mediocre album, we decided to call it the quits after the most spectacular release we have produced so far; A Night Under the Dam on DVD.

Tchort will continue writing music under the name Green Carnation, but probably will never play live again with the band."


Now I am confused, this all doesn´t seem to fit together :(
^ hmm thats pretty nasty.

I love the end. Their prices are good and their service is always superb.
yeah, I never had any problem with the mail-order either.
It would be nice to read a statement by TER on this, too, so then at least there would be two sides of the story (even though of course we might never know the exact details of what happpened...)
Statement by The End Records which was released to blabbermouth:

""[We] got [GREEN CARNATION] a van for the tour (drove it 2,500 miles from Salt Lake City to New York), hired a tour manager, rented a backline, pressed them merch for the tour and paid to have their gear flown in from Norway and back — plus gave them cash throughout the tour. The band kept all the money from their shows and merch sales. The End also helped the band get a tour grant from the Norwegian government which covered all their flights and a lot more. Also the licensing fee was paid to him [GREEN CARNATION leader Tchort] five months before the tour ever happened. [We] don't understand why he made such an announcement especially a year and a half after the tour."

Source and further comments