The End Records - Fortune Small Business article

While I find your position sadly apathetic and could not endorse it, at least you have made it clear.
We'll there will always be commercial music for the general public so why sweat it... we have the underground and as long as the bands you like keep to what your principles are... don't get bent out of shape about it...

Two requests:

1) Either provide proof for this or clarify that this is speculation.

2) Reiterate the connection this tangent has to the greater discussion because I'm not seeing it.

1) provide proof to what? that each album had a little better production then the previous? Just have to listen to the albums to see it yourself.. and I mean the BM albums not Hammerheart and beyond.. or proof that BOSS was his father and was backing him up financially? ... not sure which one you mean or if another proof.. have to be a little clearer...

2) The connection between Bathory/Black Mark and our discussion throughout this thread is clear... I'll let you ponder that...
We'll there will always be commercial music for the general public so why sweat it... we have the underground and as long as the bands you like keep to what your principles are... don't get bent out of shape about it...
The thing is, commercial music doesn't have to always be there. It didn't exist until a few hundred years ago, and if the profit motive were removed (as illegal downloads somewhat do) then it could potentially diminish or even vanish again. Idealistic, perhaps, but one can hope.

1) provide proof to what? that each album had a little better production then the previous? Just have to listen to the albums to see it yourself.. and I mean the BM albums not Hammerheart and beyond.. or proof that BOSS was his father and was backing him up financially? ... not sure which one you mean or if another proof.. have to be a little clearer...
The musical content changed along with the production, you haven't proved he changed the production because he had more money. Correlation does not imply causation. I am more inclined to believe that he changed the production to better suit the music on each album:

It's possible the production of "Requiem" and "Octagon" may not exactly match a pompous and pretentious album like "Twilight of the Gods". But on the other hand, at the time the primitive production sort of was the main intention actually.
- Quorthon, Autumn 2002 (emphasis added)

Furthermore, I find this point debatable:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
...he didn't care what anyone else thought much less the elitists...

...the fans wrote us and said they want a new album to sound like the classical BATHORY. DESTROYER OF WORLDS is therefore a mixture of earlier BATHORY albums sound and style-wise.
- Quorthon, 2001

2) The connection between Bathory/Black Mark and our discussion throughout this thread is clear... I'll let you ponder that...
It seems tenuous, but I'll see where you're taking this I suppose.