The End Records on Fortune Small Business -- good article

really, considering they are THE allegedly biggest undeground distro + label with worldwide reach ... it's really not that much. And with quite a large staff and overhead, that money does not stretch too far.

It is admirable nonetheless.
Good article. The End is/are my god damn hero(s).

Why did they move from Utah anyhow? I always figured that meant supercheap rent, which is the only way to survive a niche market.
"Out of total sales for the label, what percentage are digital?"
"One percent," says Cariaso, the sales guy. "Metal and hard-core fans would much rather buy a full CD. They want to be able to read the lyrics and listen to the whole album."
Fuck yes. I hate trend hopping iTunes dial-a-song faggotry. Yes, I use iTunes, to load my iPud with full length albums I already own on CD.

albums > songs
Article on CNN

Few things worth mentioning:

1 - Why the move to Brooklyn, NY? I can't imagine the increase in overheads, but it's got to be some personal reason maybe

2 - Did I read that right? $3m in annual revenue for '06?

3 - Novembers Doom. Poised to become the flagship band for The End perhaps?

1. Andreas moved from California to Utah for his wife to go to school. The move to NY was for Andreas, now that his wife is through with school. Andreas decided to move the company in the same area as the Sony offices, so he could work more closely with the distribution. It was a business move, 100%.

2. That's 3.5 million in SALES, but the yearly costs all add up where the label is just now profitable.

3. No, not us. We could never give them the touring schedule they need for that. It seems like all the chips are now on the success of Lordi here.