The End Records on Fortune Small Business -- good article

Yes. This could work, but seriously, UGH. I'm not sure where Andreas heart is at, but I for one wouldn't want a store front that attracts a bunch of scenester faggots looking to latch on to the next big fad.

it seems that Andreas is first and foremost a pretty wise businessman ... that has built the label/distro slowly and wisely with calculated steps.

being not afraid to sign more mainstream acts to built the bottom line which in turn would keep him afloat and help in still supporting underground acts is a wise business move.

come to think of it though, as admirable as it is that 14 employees followed the company to NY, I wonder what some new blood would do to keep things moving forward.
Andreas is a very nice guy, very approachable. Royal Carnage supported The End, and recognized that I was a big fan of Agalloch so he introduced me to the band at one of their Heathen Winter shows

I was also wearing my uber-rare Stone Wind Pillor shirt that should never have been sold by him in the first place (aka kids college funds) :loco:

But now look at him, a CEO of a $3m metal label/distro, where once he doubled up as the tour manager for that Agalloch tour and basically slept on their hotel room floor

I hope he does well in NYC, he's got some playground to play in now. I'm sure our paths will cross again one day.
If he was wise, he'd put that $6,000 towards a mortgage and live in comfort. How many square feet is this office/warehouse of his?!? Good Lord he could build himself a deluxe garage and or tool shed to hold his stock. He also needs to can the 13 employees who followed him across the country. From the description of them riding around on skateboards pierced from head to toe, I'd venture to say that these peeps are nothing beyond drifters who have no other viable career options. Take Jack Black in High Fidelity for example...comes in to do some temp work and you can't get rid of the lad. Can these kids not take a hint?!?!

P.S How in the fuck is his staff able to live in N.Y anyhow?!?! How much is he paying these nogoodniks? That is where his profits are eroding, fire those shlubs and get some out of work cab drivers to sort through your cd's for 5.75 and hour. Jiminy Johosofats I should be a financial consultant.
you fucking fucks :lol:

and having a $3 mil co is no big shit nowadays ... heck my friend I share an office with did that in less than 2 years in business.

what he personally takes home from this is probably not much more than you make Ali ... so really is no big whoop for an established label such as TER

and as vulgar as RIA can be, he does make some good points. (not about my sister :loco: )
ok, you can nix everything i previously said about the shop. Just took a drive to their place during lunch since they are literally 10 minutes away.

The area is very industrial, bit out of the way. They seem to have a nice warehouse, but its not geared toward a store front (at least from the outside)

Based on the #s that were divulged in the article, I KNOW they could have gotten a much easier to get to place just as large in a much better location.
so wait ... I see that LORDI is playing the "free" Ozzfest this year. that means TER is coughing up major cash for them to be on it, being that the bands don't get paid.

hmm ... Andreas really is betting all his chips on this band.
The thing with "online shopping" is that a lot of kiddies do not have Credit Cards to buy stuff online. Paypal fills that void somewhat of course ...

If they opened their doors to retail ... i would setup a bar next door :loco:

Unless I'm mistaken, Deathgasm did something similar. They opened a store in a building that housed a metal club. They would be open certain hours and before/after shows. If you can get a good deal on the lease, not a bad idea at all.
Unless I'm mistaken, Deathgasm did something similar. They opened a store in a building that housed a metal club. They would be open certain hours and before/after shows. If you can get a good deal on the lease, not a bad idea at all.

that's similar to the place where we saw Destroyer 666. At the back was someone's living room (for the gigs) and at the front was someone's dining room (for the CD store).
that's similar to the place where we saw Destroyer 666. At the back was someone's living room (for the gigs) and at the front was someone's dining room (for the CD store).

hahah ... that place still gives me the creeps.

pass by it every day. now they have a huuuuuge Metal Church poster on the window.

Mexicans take their metal very seriously.