CNN Article on The End Records

Hmm, interesting read. Pretty unfortunate how such small labels and what not are losing a lot of business.
ive bought from The End Records website a couple times now, i highly recommend it. Take the time to search around for good deals and buy in bulk and you can wind up averaging out to 10$ a cd, even less, pretty good considering many will be imports.
I've been using The End Records for quite a few years now with a great deal of satisfaction. I have to ask though, if the move to NYC is killing them financially, why go in the first place instead of a (though just as cosmopolitan) cheaper place like Chicago?
That was cool to read! The End have helped to support Woods of Ypres by stocking our CDs since the beginning, so I definately feel that we owe them. I also still regularly order through them when buying CDs and DVDs for myself. It's nice to hear that they really do that well! I wish Andreas and the label the best of success! :kickass:
nice read. Its interesting tho, because as i see it in the article they suggest The End to comercialize themselves. But i think the way he handled that suggestion is awesome... i mean he does want to reach into people, but into the right people... i dunno if i got ti right i liked it thnx for posting
Good find. That was worth reading all the way through. I was caught off guard when he said that the kind of audience he is marketing to doesn't really go anywhere though. Music stores, malls...yea that doesn't work out too well. Maybe small record shops.
I read this a few days ago and it scared me a little. The End is by far my favorite label/mail order and I would be heart broken if they ever went under. So many good bands are on that label and it seems like Andreas only has the best intentions while running it. Not too many labels take chances on the types of bands like The End does, while still trying to turn a profit and stay afloat.