The Fall of the American Empire

To me, "The American Way" is that of over self-indulgence, over flamboyance, blindly following disgusting mass-market consumer religion (Christianity included, because let's face it, these days Christianity IS a product!). "The American Way" is self-praising when no praise is warranted and believing all the time that anything American is right or superior, democratic or correct, the American way to resolve conflict is to muscle in and assume control.

I have heard stories that Americans overall know little to nothing of foreign affairs! Is this true? Can such a ludicrous thought actually be true? If so, is that not self indulgence on sterioids? Gluttony of epic proportions?
Hawng said:
What is this "illusion of freedom" you speak of? What does the goverment do that inhibits your rights to do basicly anything you want? The only things I can think of is maybe killing your neighbor if he pisses you off, engaging is sexual relations with a minor or mabey enjoying a toke off a joint. I just dont see what exactly the problem is. Dick Cheney was doing an interview when he was down in NO and some dumb fuck was there telling the vice president of the united state you go fuck himself. Is this guy in jail? No, because he has a right to free speech. Go to africa and tell the leader of one of those countrys to go fuck himself and what do you think will happen?

Dude, it was a natural disaster. How can you lay blame on the goverment for a natural disaster? You talk about the dead bodies, but you know what? If those people would have left when they had a chance they wouldnt be dead right now. They chose to stay, by there own choice. Nobody forced them to stay. Another one of those freedoms and rights that they had as a citizen of this country.

And dude, using words like fuck and motherfucker makes your posts seem more like rants other than mature, intelligent discussion.

What does the government do? Aside from the standard election rigging, corporations with ties to a certain party own the news stations and refuse to report the news that should really be heard by the people and refuse to air much of what might hurt the imagine of a certain party and its president. People had a choice between bush and kerry only because their issues were allowed on the air. Nobody votes for Nader eventhough his issues were much more important. Nader has been running for the fucking presidency and people don't even know who the fuck he is much less his ISSUES. People are too busy wanting their SUVs, designer clothes, and watching mtv to give a fuck about whats happening in their country. Corporations and their stranglehold on the media all back Bush and the Christians don't even seem to know who Christ is anymore. By feeding the masses loads of shit over the radio and TV, which are supposed to be things you can trust, people are observing a false image of whats going on.

Why didn't anything happen to the guy telling a cocksucker to go fuck himself? One man isn't worth tearing down the image of an extremely powerful man. "Hmmm... have my power come under direct scrutiny or take this guy to jail for basically being an honest man?" Please think before asking stupid questions.

Hurricanes hit the US every year and when was the last time this happen? Bush coincidently cut funding to the levee work in NO btw but manages to figure out ways to offer tax cuts for the rich. Last year was an election year, florida is a pretty important state to capture for electoral votes. So you might want to treat them nice a few weeks before because its kind of hard to rig every state election process or the same one twice.

Good thing the director of FEMA was on top of the hurricane like he was supposed to. I mean is that still part of the job description job? Even days after while it was on TV already the government still did nothing. Don't you think its weird how other countries noticed this but you don't seem to understand why everyone is talking shit about the federal government? You think people like getting wet? You think they like the thought of drowning? They stayed to keep looters out and perhaps because they had faith in the levee system that was supposed to be funded by the federel government. You see when your poor... things are a lot more complicated sir.

I'd rather have my posts look like rants than to stay calm about something so absurd.
I remember a thing an art teacher said to me in school years ago, "Organised religion is the best advertising in the world"

This is so very true. It just like the way a commercial makes you buy the latest DVD player or something, it's aimed at feelings inside you, to appeal to you. As soon as you organsise people's beliefs and try to make others follow them you are creating trouble. In my opinion this is where a lot of todays trouble worldwide comes from. Not all but a large ammount, name a few examples today where there is trouble (violent,social,economic etc) where religion has not played a role at some point in history.

The Hunster has it pretty much correct about the American way, just what i was thinknig of. I don't hate americans, and every american i've met on here is perfectly decent and inteligent.
The American system is screwed. It's a giant greed net. The good Americans are getting drowned out by an increasing horde of cultureless, raceless, valueless, goalless morons. These were produced by industry, and greed, and a gold rush or another. America needs to be broken up, because it is a failure.

info, i still severely doubt any progress would come from the secession of texas. possibly California. but no other state would make as drastic a change to the union. and even given that situation, it would not solve the societal catastrophe train already set in motion.
Silent Song said:
info, i still severely doubt any progress would come from the secession of texas. possibly California. but no other state would make as drastic a change to the union. and even given that situation, it would not solve the societal catastrophe train already set in motion.

Texas can exist on its own without the help of any other nation. That is what I think he meant. They have oil, forests, fishing, with tons of farm and ranch land. A strong german heritage to boot!
oil aside, California has more of those other traits, and natural boundaries (Sierra Nevada Mountains) seperating it from the rest of the US, not to mention the fertile valleys that Texas lacks. California also has a more diverse climate range, and I dare say the ports there are also more important than those in Texas. German heritage means next to nothing to me.

Hubster you think the US is the only country run by the media? we might be the worst off, but by no means are we alone in that respect.
I think we're definitely (only starting to though) follow the path of America.

Australia through is a free thinking country, in a kind of slack sort of way. But thats how we like it, to take things easy. I think we also pride ourselves on being a bit different and relaxed in our way of life. We have it good here, we dont get too messed up in politics.

I think because of our own pride, we wont go too far down the path of Americanism before people start to speak up.

We all see the sickening shows of Springer and Narcissist nature of the US government in the news. People are aware of what Johnny is doing to our country and people are not happy about it. Too bad we have no decent Opposition Leader to take his possible fourth term away from him.

However I think possibilities of Americanism in Australia has so much to do with politics as it does the emergence of the most digusting social phenomenon in recent times:

The Rise of Glamour
Silent Song said:
oil aside, California has more of those other traits, and natural boundaries (Sierra Nevada Mountains) seperating it from the rest of the US, not to mention the fertile valleys that Texas lacks. California also has a more diverse climate range, and I dare say the ports there are also more important than those in Texas. German heritage means next to nothing to me.

Hubster you think the US is the only country run by the media? we might be the worst off, but by no means are we alone in that respect.

Oil makes it all possible for Texas and Texas doesn't have massive amounts of farm land and ranch land for nothing(fertile valleys that texas lacks?). This is totally off subject but you completely missed my point and perhaps his.
The Hubster said:
I think we're definitely (only starting to though) follow the path of America.

Australia through is a free thinking country, in a kind of slack sort of way. But thats how we like it, to take things easy. I think we also pride ourselves on being a bit different and relaxed in our way of life. We have it good here, we dont get too messed up in politics.

I think because of our own pride, we wont go too far down the path of Americanism before people start to speak up.

We all see the sickening shows of Springer and Narcissist nature of the US government in the news. People are aware of what Johnny is doing to our country and people are not happy about it. Too bad we have no decent Opposition Leader to take his possible fourth term away from him.

However I think possibilities of Americanism in Australia has so much to do with politics as it does the emergence of the most digusting social phenomenon in recent times:

The Rise of Glamour

People have to remember when your not in the game its easy to point out mistakes from the bench or to try and rationalize why you aren't in there. My country is really fucked up but people shouldn't carry on in such ways unless their country has had the power and turned away from the corruption it brings. Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Rome and all major superpowers throughout history have all mismanaged their power horribly. Until your country is up there how can anyone be certain how power will effect its leaders?

I am anti-america for the most part but am not irrational.
DreamingofUr said:
Oil makes it all possible for Texas and Texas doesn't have massive amounts of farm land and ranch land for nothing(fertile valleys that texas lacks?). This is totally off subject but you completely missed my point and perhaps his.
my point: you can't survive on oil, cattle, and dry plains alone. especially when your nearest neighbors US & Mexico aren't exactly on the best terms what with your secession and all. Texas would be a short term nation, collapsing after failing to capture the interest of the international community. it can't sustain itself without those exterior ties.

i too am anti 'american' attitude, and i am an american. i think the declaration of independence was a great idea, and some of the original constitution. i thin the current social and political situation is trashed.
Silent Song said:
my point: you can't survive on oil, cattle, and dry plains alone. especially when your nearest neighbors US & Mexico aren't exactly on the best terms what with your secession and all. Texas would be a short term nation, collapsing after failing to capture the interest of the international community. it can't sustain itself without those exterior ties.

i too am anti 'american' attitude, and i am an american. i think the declaration of independence was a great idea, and some of the original constitution. i thin the current social and political situation is trashed.

Read a book on the diverse Texas landscape because you have so many misconceptions its not even funny reading your posts. I am talking about TEXAS.
somehow i think this thread should get back on topic instead of 'whose state (cock) is bigger'.

you seem to obviously have pride in your state. i just don't and will not ever agree, barring a major terrestrial change. i was born american by default, not by choice. had i chosen my nationality instead, i surely would have chosen otherwise.
Silent Song said:
somehow i think this thread should get back on topic instead of 'whose state (cock) is bigger'.

you seem to obviously have pride in your state. i just don't and will not ever agree, barring a major terrestrial change. i was born american by default, not by choice. had i chosen my nationality instead, i surely would have chosen otherwise.

Thats what you turned it into because I was trying to clarify someones point. Actually, I dont have texas pride but i know what I've read and I stick to the facts on this. I'd much rather live in Washington state or New York.
i'm merely skeptical that texas, "as is" today, would have any success should tomorrow they vote secession from the union, diplomatically or militarily. in either situation, they would be shortly crushed. as i'm sure you're well aware, the United States is full of the kind of arrogant people who would take it as a slight that a state no longer wants to be one of them. its the attitude of "love it or leave it" and they are always bitter to those who leave. in fact, these are the ones who run the government.
Silent Song said:
i'm merely skeptical that texas, "as is" today, would have any success should tomorrow they vote secession from the union, diplomatically or militarily. in either situation, they would be shortly crushed. as i'm sure you're well aware, the United States is full of the kind of arrogant people who would take it as a slight that a state no longer wants to be one of them. its the attitude of "love it or leave it" and they are always bitter to those who leave. in fact, these are the ones who run the government.

The failing government that had trouble dealing with a hurricane's aftermath... supposing all Texans start looting and shooting at rescue helicopters?
The Hubster said:
To me, "The American Way" is that of over self-indulgence, over flamboyance, blindly following disgusting mass-market consumer religion (Christianity included, because let's face it, these days Christianity IS a product!). "The American Way" is self-praising when no praise is warranted and believing all the time that anything American is right or superior, democratic or correct, the American way to resolve conflict is to muscle in and assume control.

I have heard stories that Americans overall know little to nothing of foreign affairs! Is this true? Can such a ludicrous thought actually be true? If so, is that not self indulgence on sterioids? Gluttony of epic proportions?

Well, you've got some good points there. We have major problems with all of those factors. Do you think that some of these problems may have more to do with our economic explosion after WWII? Perhaps the consumer culture is more developed here. The example of marketing which was nurtured in our economy has proven to be effective and the tactics are spreading.

Our excesses in materialism are feeding our religion. I agree that Christians in the US are more dangerous than Muslims anywhere. We've had evengelist con men for ever, but when it became a televised scam, things got much worse. Old ladies were donating their morgage checks to these preachers who were so good at touging on heartstrings.

What we have now is a combonation of the manipulation of religion for profit with a manipulation of religion for politics. I argue that this is the most dangerous combination in the world today. I listen to christian radio just to keep myself fired up.


It's true, most of us know little to nothing of foreign affairs. Our collective ignorance can't be over-stressed. I'm willing to bet that over 80% of us couldn't find five countries on a map of Africa. I bet over 30% couldn't find five countries in Europe.

This is what people of other countries tend to miss: WE DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER!!!

Yes, we think we're the greatest thing in the world and all other countries, societies, and cultures should try to be as perfect as we so clearly are. It's so obvious that we have a perfect society that it's absurd that anyone would want anything else. It's so absurd, that it's unthinkable. Clearly anyone who would forward such a though is from an underdeveloped society.



Do you remember a few months back when Japan came out with a text-book dealing with the occupation of China and the Chinese got all pissed off? Immagine the text-books American school children were given between 1940 and 1990.

Now, consider the difference with the time frame: 1990 to 2040. Y'all can't see the forest through the trees. The internet has come along and text-books will never have the hold they once did. It's time for us to learn from our mistakes. It's the dawn of the communications age.
I remember during the trouble in Kosovo and around Serbia i saw a report on the BBC which said that ~60% of Americans thought Kosovo was a filling station company!

Says it all for me!

I hope none of the Americans on this board are as stupid!