Disheartening Anti-American Sentiment

The Hubster said:
So, in correlation to the above comment by Seraphim Belial:

... I have a "sub-question": are people drifting out to sea as a result of their own decision (and perhaps partial quest to see the fantasy world become reality) or is it a result of the state of politics (also covered briefly by Seraphim Belial).

Any thoughts?

Well, to place blame on any single entity is quite foolish in my opinion. More than likely it is because of a split in the unionship; after people stop caring about something they seek to find something else to toy around with - so off our forefathers went thinking about other things that seemed more important, all the while others in politics and other various fields felt the need to get more than they needed, and the split between the two systems just got greater and greater. Of course this was a slow process I think but the results are the same we have today, the only difference is over time more and more factors started playing parts in things

infoterror said:
It's the result of mass revolt replacing higher tastes with lower.

Can you elaborate a little more please, this is a little vague, it fits into too many scenarios to make some direct sense to me (although that may not have been the aim you were looking for I admit)
The whole thing with universities is true over here too. Nearly all people who leave school at 18 go to uni, most i swear only do so because "it's the done thing" and just want a bit of paper allowing them a job. There are so many useless crappy degrees around this country that those of us like me, who went to uni to get a dgree to use it well and learn with it can't get the jobs we wanted originally! What a joke.
SoundMaster said:
I agree, many take an uncaring stance, and don't care to find out - others that I've noticed that wish too have a hard time finding credible resources to learn from though

ThePhilosopher said:
People treat it as an obligation because it's looked at as a total necessity nowadays, not a privilege. And I think you overestimate a college's ability to knock ignorance out of people and give a good perspective on the world. If that was the case, 80% of the people I'm surrounded with would've been kicked out by now.

I agree completely with; after numerous stadardizations of raising and lowering the bar it really doesnt matter in many aspects what your grades are or what your motives are to get into college, it's all about how you can mainly pay for it now.
America is not a Meritocracy, and because of this our various degrees have lessened in value (as far as until we get to Masters degree's here in America I believe). Yes they still help, but they aren't exactly what they used to be
Seraphim Belial said:
I agree, many take an uncaring stance, and don't care to find out - others that I've noticed that wish too have a hard time finding credible resources to learn from though

I agree completely with; after numerous stadardizations of raising and lowering the bar it really doesnt matter in many aspects what your grades are or what your motives are to get into college, it's all about how you can mainly pay for it now.
America is not a Meritocracy, and because of this our various degrees have lessened in value (as far as until we get to Masters degree's here in America I believe). Yes they still help, but they aren't exactly what they used to be

I received my masters in June, and I am still looking for a full time real job. I have my degree in the somewhat practical Economics as well. From what I have experienced, most businesses and the government do not want to hire someone with a masters degree and only a few months of internships and academic based work. I swear there are so few entry level jobs in either economics or economic development, that I am applying to other fields. So, I dont know about the Masters; I think the higher entry level salary one commands is a detriment to finding employment. From what I have experienced, only MBA's have an easy go of it.
Yes. It costs about $40,000 a year to go where I go, but I was in the right place at the right time and got a full scholarship.

People who make the right moves can get a lot of financial aid, but even public universities run at least $7,000 a year plus room and board.
Thats a shit load of money. My degree cost me around 20,000 in TOTAL and i went to one of the best Universities in the country.

I think europeans just get pissed off at the arrogance America has. I think if George Bush can be re-elected then half the country are retards, its pretty black and white in that respect.

I've visited America plenty of times, and I can't say I have ever really met any complete jack-asses. Infact most of the folks were entirely nice. But theres always a feeling that they are convinced of their own self-superiority. It was instilled in the American social mind since the idea of manifest destiny.
MasterOLightning said:
Yes. It costs about $40,000 a year to go where I go, but I was in the right place at the right time and got a full scholarship.

People who make the right moves can get a lot of financial aid, but even public universities run at least $7,000 a year plus room and board.

Where do you go? Northwestern or Univ of Chicago? I know Depaul isnt that expensive, and Northwestern rarely gives out full scholarships, so I am guessing Univ of Chicago

Yeah higher education in the US is ridiculous. I got into a number of high quality schools, but I only received stafford loans not scholarships, so I went to the school that gave me a scholarship, and it was only a state school. It was the same with grad school. The worst part is, frankly, the education one receives isnt too much different even if you go to a high level university. You just have a prestigious and expensive degree.

And yes, Americans cant comprehend why the rest of the world doesnt like them. Of course when you know nothing about the rest of the world and what is going on, such a state of ignorance becomes more acceptable.
It's interesting hearing this kind of stuff from Americans. You have to pay up-front, don't you? Over here we have the option of paying later, which is the one I take. Costs much more in the long run, but is the only way when you don't have much.
In Sweden we have "free" education meaning that you´ll only have to pay off your study loans for 30 years until they´re completly paid.And live in a very poor condition while studying

(fuck can´t write coherently today,I think I have a cold or something)
Society as a whole is retarded, whether it be American or not. America is just the baby. And all babies always are the recievers of attention -- good or bad.