2008 Political debate thread

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I'm glad to see that for once America has made a logical decision.

Edit: And what's all this shit about "Obama being the anti-christ who will bring the apocalypse! The Bible says so!". I mean seriously!? Is that how low some lunatic christians will go? It's pathetic.

Yeah, I actually heard a bunch of people saying that this morning. No kidding!:err:

Much better, Marwen!:lol:
Obama is stepping into a bubbling cauldron and change isn't going to take place overnight. I think the color of his skin will soon become much less of a distraction. He'll have much greater obstacles than race. Black, purple or orange...it's all about green...dollars and cents!
You missed the part where we said we don't care what color he is, we care that he's smart, level headed, and positive.

It's going to be so refreshing to have politics void of hatemongering, fear, bullshit and war, and neocon anti-science.
in the end though, ive found our ordinary lives don't change that much no matter who gets in. but yes anything is a blessing after that war-mongering bastard the world has had to put up with for the past 8 years. it may not happen but i HOPE that the u.s. international relations may begin to improve after this. they certainly can't get much worse!
Understood, and I agree with EyeballKid in that the fanbois are pretty freaky, but still... it really is historic, and the fact that people are commenting on it is not bullshit. Irritating, yes, but they're not wrong in saying so. A mere fifty years ago, black people were second class citizens, and now we'll have our first one in the White House. It's a great advance.

40 years ago in Grant Park (where his victory party was) was a completely different scene. Anybody not familiar with the 1968 democratic convention needs to see how things were, even in my lifetime, back then.

Glad Obama got in. Hope he can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Time will tell I guess. :)

That's pretty much where I'm at as well... I hope my fears of his administration don't come true... At least the election was free of any bullshit bickering & lawsuits. It was a pretty clear cut win, and the people have spoken, so we'll just have to see how it goes.....
You missed the part where we said we don't care what color he is, we care that he's smart, level headed, and positive.

It's going to be so refreshing to have politics void of hatemongering, fear, bullshit and war, and neocon anti-science.

I didn't miss anything, moderator.

Wow...you're quite the optimist...as if a new President is going to change the face of politics. It's still the same old game...just a new player. I'm hoping for the best and appreciate the change, but I think it's naive to think we're going to see any immediate, dramatic change.

Obama is relatively inexperienced...he's a junior Senator. His appointments will be the key to his success.
here's a few pictures from seattle's election celebration:



Not my pics, grabbed them from a friend who went out. Pretty amazing on some level at least. I guess all around seattle there were mobs like this, people partying until the early morning and as far as i've heard, absolutely no crimes or violence.
Black president ? I thought he was born of a white mother ?
War mongering ? Im pretty sure I heard Obama say we should increase the efforts in Afganistan ?
Historic ? Depends on what becomes of it all, its a bit simple to be historic at this point to me. Record turn outs... gee I wonder.
Then there is the idea that many votes were just anti "Bush" votes, nothing historic there, Clintons were anti Regan/Bush votes. The country just goes back and forth as they tire of the previous policies. I wonder if any voter ever knows what they are truely voting for or against for that matter.
I do feel a change in the near future, oil prices will again skyrocket and the bulk of the population will remain broken, those involved in politics will never feel a thing, years will pass by and it can all start over again, we'll call it modern science and feel intellegent.
Congratulations to all aMEricans who voted and whos voices will be unclear
He's saying Afghanistan will be Obama's focus, taking the war to Afghanistan after or concurrent with Iraq. Obama's rhetoric supports this tact.

I agree with razor's post here. While we've put a ton of "hope" onto Obama's shoulders, he is still one man against "the system" (if you want to look at it that way).

Our people have spoken and he is now the leader of our country. We must now put our efforts into helping him succeed. I will not accept any pinnings of his failures on the Bush administration, though.
People don't seem to realise that the war in Afghanistan is totally different to the Iraq war. The war in Afghanistan had and still has a clear and just aim. The soldiers are fighting against geniune terrorist groups who are trying to kill them. It's not a war on Afghanistan, it's a war in Afghanistan. The aim for the war on Iraq however was never clarified and was a total lie in the end, the war in Afganistan is not "war mongering", it's fighting for a justifiable reason.
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