2008 Political debate thread

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Gotta go with Meeds on all this...

The fact that a black man can be the President of the United States is historical. We have witnessed history, for all of the reasons that have been previously stated. We've come a long way in 50 years and it's incredible.

The fact that Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States is not historical. It's been two hours since the announcement, and I haven't heard anything except "this is a great day for America because we have a black President Elect."

No one saying "this is a great day for America because we have a great President Elect." Not that I'm calling into question his plans, etc., but I'm just hoping people start talking about the man and not the symbol of the man.


To expand on that last bit...I can't help but feel that all the emphasis on his skin color is almost demeaning to his abilities as a politician and the campaign he ran. I find it a bit patronizing that his victory is being reduced to a sign of how we've overcome racial inequality (which is debatable of course, but let's not get into that)...because anyone who let race play a factor in swinging their vote (either direction) fucked up. Likewise...had McCain won, the news would be flooded tomorrow with all kinds of civil rights/minority groups bitching about how Obama lost because we are a nation of racists.
To expand on that last bit...I can't help but feel that all the emphasis on his skin color is almost demeaning to his abilities as a politician and the campaign he ran. I find it a bit patronizing that his victory is being reduced to a sign of how we've overcome racial inequality (which is debatable of course, but let's not get into that)...because anyone who let race play a factor in swinging their vote (either direction) fucked up. Likewise...had McCain won, the news would be flooded tomorrow with all kinds of civil rights/minority groups bitching about how Obama lost because we are a nation of racists.


Nice expansion, perfectly stated. I completely agree with every word.

Anybody who voted for Obama simply because he is a black man is ignorant and pathetic. Likewise to the reverse.
Congratulations to him. Let's hope none of my fears come to pass. Or Joe Biden's for that matter.

Mark, glad to see that even when you're unhappy, you are gracious about it. Cheers, I raise a... uh... bush to you.

It feels awesome witnessing history. I don't even know what to say to it.

History today!

And we all lived to see it. -tears-

Harris and canto... wtf? Congrats on overusing catch phrase #23. Witnessing history my fucking dick.

Without discussing my personal opinions of the candidates:

- McCain's concession speech was gracious and classy

- A good portion of the Obama-ites here in Chicago's Grant Park are freaking me out with their hero worship

McCain's concession speech was inspiring and beautiful. Not a McCain supporter, but with that speech he stole the evening. especially next to obama's cheesy-ass speech.


To expand on that last bit...I can't help but feel that all the emphasis on his skin color is almost demeaning to his abilities as a politician and the campaign he ran. I find it a bit patronizing that his victory is being reduced to a sign of how we've overcome racial inequality (which is debatable of course, but let's not get into that)...because anyone who let race play a factor in swinging their vote (either direction) fucked up. Likewise...had McCain won, the news would be flooded tomorrow with all kinds of civil rights/minority groups bitching about how Obama lost because we are a nation of racists.

Or because we're living in a nation of feminists. Glad that wasn't the case, and women don't get me wrong. Women's right = important. Feminist ideals at the expense of good government = bad idea and unimportant. I am not sexist, i just think.
Let's hope none of my fears come to pass. Or Joe Biden's for that matter.

+1...one can only hope for the best. But, I'm pretty sure that 6 or so months after BHO's inauguration...you won't be able to find anyone that voted for him. The exception will be those recieving the handouts.
Eyeball Kid said:
Anybody who voted for Obama simply because he is a black man is ignorant and pathetic.

Yet, that's all your hearing about the event is that it's "historic"...even on this board. Not that his policies are going to make this a great country. Seems suspect.

As far as history being made...it would have been made either way the election turned out.
Thanks, Zach.

The odds were all in favor of O winning. I will continue my worries for what "change" he will bring. I will continue to be scared of left-wing triumvirate running our country. Perhaps in two years, we will see where we stand.

And as far as the "black" thing, Justice Tony Scalia put it best: "The only way to stop discriminating based on skin color is to stop discriminating on skin color". Loosely quoted, but I think that's the gist of it. I can say that I never saw him for the color of his skin, only for his policies, and they will continue to worry me for quite some time. As long as the Dems don't have 60 seats, there's some hope of checks and balances left.

Definitely a historic change for the country. I don't put that on Obama's skin color, but for the new direction of this county. How he can reference the founders of our country at the beginning of his speech eludes me, since I see his policies quite contradictory to the founders' beliefs.
i think its good to have the first black president. however, that was not the reason why i preferred him. i found that he seemed more intelligent, articulate and forward thinking than mccain.
See, even people casually watching from half-way around the world see the same thing. I feel damn good right now...for the first time since 1996, I actually feel proud of my president-elect...quite refreshing :)
What a great night for America.

It's interesting to see the cynics on this board downplaying what could possibly be the most substantial and impactful cultural event of our lifetime.

He will make a great leader.
Yet, that's all your hearing about the event is that it's "historic"...even on this board. Not that his policies are going to make this a great country. Seems suspect.
So I guess pages 1-59 of this thread don't count for anything?

As far as history being made...it would have been made either way the election turned out.
Well like I said before, it's mainly the pundits who feel the need to point out the obvious. I totally agree with you on this one though, and pretty much every election on TV is coupled with comments on how historic they are.
Mostly I'm just excited that an educated, intelligent, positive person is President. We'll see what he does now, but if he's anything like his talk, American politics will never be the same - the bullshitting, the bigotry, the ignorance - all of them will fail.
You guys are the biggest haters I have ever seen in my life. Ultimate metal forums = hate all day & night.


BLACK POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get used to it and stfu lol.
What a great night for America.

It's interesting to see the cynics on this board downplaying what could possibly be the most substantial and impactful cultural event of our lifetime.

He will make a great leader.

It's also interesting to see just how far people are overplaying the event itself. This is a "substantial and impactful" cultural event, no doubt about that. "Of our lifetime" is a bit much. Once again, I'm really not talking about the man or his policies here, just the image that people are building around a man who is probably going to act out a nice, extremely average 4-8 years in the White House.

The comparisons I've heard to Martin Luther King Jr. are disturbing. The more we worship Obama as our new Syncopated-Speaking Jesus, the more everyone will be disappointed.

American politics will never be the same - the bullshitting, the bigotry, the ignorance - all of them will fail.

We'll see about that. There is no doubt that the nature of Washington politics will be slightly different with Obama in office (and more so than if McCain were in office). However, the idea that bullshitting, bigotry, and ignorance will cease to run rampant in politics is completely false.
So I guess pages 1-59 of this thread don't count for anything?

Well like I said before, it's mainly the pundits who feel the need to point out the obvious. I totally agree with you on this one though, and pretty much every election on TV is coupled with comments on how historic they are.

Fully agreed!

While I can understand why it is historic I certainly did not vote for him because of his race. It is only a bonus that history was made in the process.

I find it amusing that earlier on in this thread that I felt Obama was closer to the center than the left and now that is what all the pundits are saying after a year of calling him one of the most liberal democrats ever. Of course he acted like he was more to the left early on because he needed to get the democrat nomination, McCain did the same thing to get the republican nomination. If it wasn't for the bullshit two party system candidates wouldn't have to decieve who they are just to have a chance at the presidency. It was sad to see that there were like 8 other candidates on the ballot and I new absolutely nothing about them except of course a little about Ralph Nader.

With the two party system I can never say that Obama or any other race winner was the best pick; however, I can certainly say that he is a better pick than any republican would be right now, and a person who is willing to try something diffent.
My commemorative.

I've been out today.
So Obama won eh? Glad to see such intelligent and educated man as the leader, and happier I am to be able to say goodfuckinbye to that fucktard of president called Bush.
Hope Obama will be up to our good expectations, and may the future be better to all of my American friends.

Grow up folks.

I just don't see why it's good or bad, it's just a statement of fact.


Mostly I'm just excited that an educated, intelligent, positive person is President. We'll see what he does now, but if he's anything like his talk, American politics will never be the same - the bullshitting, the bigotry, the ignorance - all of them will fail.


Cheers to all. :kickass:
I've been out today.
So Obama won eh? Glad to see such intelligent and educated man as the leader, and happier I am to be able to say goodfuckinbye to that nerd of president called Bush.

Nerd!? Please tell me that was sarcasm? He is the anti nerd, if anything.
I'm glad to see that for once America has made a logical decision.

Edit: And what's all this shit about "Obama being the anti-christ who will bring the apocalypse! The Bible says so!". I mean seriously!? Is that how low some lunatic christians will go? It's pathetic.
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