the fastest drumer in the world?

The High Lord

Primitive Rhythm Machine
May 9, 2001
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the fastest drumer i have heard is the drumer from Damaged. This is an australian band and he makes the double kick sound like a triple kick! Who is the fastest you have heard?
A friend filmed cryptopsy live and he said flo mournier reached 720 bpm with his one hand grindcore...he said he checked alot with his copy of the video and well i do believe that if it can be done Flo would do it =)

The guy from angelcorpse in the song sons of vengance gets pretty wild speed on double kicks
But the wildest it think it would be Paul from Morbid angel On Gates of Annihilation that was just beyond human capacities...rumors says its not really him and it was just a pc program but i think it could be him
first of all.... his name is PETE

pete sandoval uses a special wooden tip thingy double bass pedal... the pedals are 1/4 of an inch away from the drum (this is just a guess.... maybe its 1/2)

pete sandoval is the fastest drummer

pete sandoval is amazing

pete sandoval's double bass in Opening of the Gates is fucking ridiculously fast
Originally posted by Misanthrope
A friend filmed cryptopsy live and he said flo mournier reached 720 bpm with his one hand grindcore...he said he checked alot with his copy of the video and well i do believe that if it can be done Flo would do it =)

yeah cryptopsy are so fast live that you cant even head bang to it :lol: , it was reeally wierd, but what the hey, they were great anyway. :D
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Hellhammer is the fastest I've heard, but I've never listened to Morbid Angel (I know, I know....:rolleyes: ), Cryptosy, or Vader, so I'm probably wrong.........

well i saw Vader and Cryptopsy at the same time, so id just like to say they are both fast, i cant remember which was quicker live, sorry.
Probably Hellhammer or Pete Sandoval yeah.
Nick Barker and Trym can be quite fast on the double bass pedals too. Its really hard to know when you havent listen to all the metal or whatever bands in the world. Flo Mournier rules!!!!
well gene hoglan is not a very slim one, either. plus he's fast like hell. too bad i don't know anything from pete sandoval.
but interestingly speed is commonly measured with doublebass beats. i know drummers who blast the hell out of db, but when they have to do other things apart from streigth 4/4 with their hands, it's just crap.
Originally posted by The High Lord
the fastest drumer i have heard is the drumer from Damaged. This is an australian band and he makes the double kick sound like a triple kick! Who is the fastest you have heard?

My friend has 'Token Remedies Research' by Damaged, and I can testify to the drummer's speed. It's amazing drumming. I'd actually forgotten about Damaged because I'm not really into death metal, but that drummer is a definite marvel.